It is not important nor does it recommended to add your high school courses or grades in your grad school resume the detail section of the resume should only address your college education but furthermore if you are willing to give an insight of you high school achievements in your graduate school application then add this in your personal statement.
One thing to keep in mind when you are formulating your application documents. Such as your cover letter. It is important to emphasize the college education and dodge the high school courses. A coherent, well structured essay is effective and impactful. Which can be obtained through essay planning.
While writing your application make sure to have your focus on your achievements. Rather than courses which you had opted out for in high school. More in addition to this. When you are structuring your dissertation. Make sure to check in all of the materials for your application. Including grad school resume.
The reflection should be on your college education. You can concisely discuss your school achievements through using sentence starters. While the main focus will be on college education. On the other hand in dissertation acknowledgement be sure to thank fellow companions. While having focus on school achievements.
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