The number of independent variables is a major difference between a one way or a two-way ANOVA. One independent variable indicates One way ANOVA while number of two variables indicates 2-way ANOVA.
Is for testing the relationship between a clothes brand (Reebok, ASOS, Burberry, Boden and Clark). Furthermore if you want to be educated more about how you can structure tests we would suggest you to look at essay planning for reference.
Is for testing the relationship between clothes brands (Reebok, ASOS, Burberry, Boden and Clark) and wearers sizes (small, medium, large, XL) and longevity of clothes.
To understand the concept of Two way ANOVA . It is important to understand independent variables and dependent variables. Which are the crucial aspects of setting up tests for these.
If you would consider using sentence starters for these. Then it will be a good choice. Because sentence starters will overall enhance the quality, clarity and effectiveness of ANOVA results. If you want to get a comprehensive analysis of these variables. Implementing critical analysis is recommended. In addition to this the data collection methods are significant for accumulating appropriate data for ANOVA tests.
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