
Importance of Secondary Research | Methods & Examples

Secondary Research

Here is your complete guide to how you can accumulate didactic information from reliable existing sources.

Difference Between Primary and Secondary Research

Whenever it comes research. Students tend to opt out for different methods of research. Which they can imply into their process of writing an excellent project for their topic. In the world of research methods. Where, there are so many methods that you can implement in your study.

The two very different but main type of research methods are primary research and secondary research. While primary research is a method of incorporating. Information and sources along the lines of new data straight up from different individuals and trusted sources.

Secondary research is all about analyzing. The existing data under a very harsh microscope. Which has been collected by someone else. Since, the topic for this blog is secondary research the main focus is going to be the secondary research.

But if you are intrigued to further acknowledge the aspects of primary research. We will recommend you to check out our primary research blog.

Also Read: Primary Research | Methods, Advantages, Disadvantages, & Steps

What is The Definition of Secondary Research?

The method of utilizing and analyzing already existing data. Which has been collected by someone else. Is what is called secondary research. If you think this is taking credits for someone else’s work. This shouldn’t be legal or how is it possible for it to be permissible? Before you get any misapprehension for any of these major concerns. We would like to address your disbeliefs.

When you opt out for doing secondary research for your project. You are technically choosing to collate, conclude and enhance. The already done research by someone with further modifications and addition of your own insight in regards of the topic.

This is the main advantage of doing secondary research. Because when you are contributing your skill set, intellect and insight on already existent data. You are saving yourself a bunch of time. Along the lines of gaining new insights and exploring the new information in depth.

Most fundamental major aspect of doing secondary research. Is that it is important to be meticulous in your approach to collect data from sources that already exist. Because you must make sure that data you collecting for your research falls in relevancy of your topic.

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What are The Trusted Sources for Getting Secondary Research Data?

On the internet you can find plenty of sources for collecting secondary research. But other than the internet. Where else can you find secondary researched data? Well, there are plenty of reliable sources.

For Example:

  • Research Reports.
  • Documents.
  • Public library Collections.
  • Government Agencies.
  • Company Reports and Research.
  • Educational Institutes.
  • Media Stories in Newspapers.
  • Academics.
  • Textbooks.
  • Reviews and Critiques of Artwork.
  • Articles.

Why Do Many People Choose Secondary Research Method For Their Projects?

As we have spoken about this in paragraph above. Secondary research is a very convenient source of research data. For number reasons like:

  • It saves you a bunch of time.
  • You get a better idea of which direction you have to rave up your car to.
  • For your own personal academic growth. It is indeed very beneficial.

But on top of any of these perks that you get out of secondary research. The very prime reason is that secondary research in comparison to primary research is actually cost effective. It can easily be afforded by students. Who are handed over projects to craft but do not have financial independency yet. For Primary Research the data is usually collected by. (Business, institutes, organizations, survey methodology and so many other sources). Nonetheless, they cost a price to it. While secondary research does not.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research

Everything has its pros and cons and so does when it comes to secondary research. The there are also some pros and cons to them. Each of which are mentioned below:


  • A great number of information is easily accessible and available in secondary research method.
  • It does not require great time investment. An individual is performing secondary research.
  • This method can easily be afforded by anyone out of the particular reason or it being very cost effective.
  • The secondary research is free of cost while primary research has charges to them. When secondary research is brought not display. Hence, it can give organization and institutes a subtle idea of its effectiveness and absurd cost to collecting primary information.
  • Plenty of secondary data is available on major sources which is why it is easier to have an access to.


  • Even though there is plenty of data available for secondary research. It is important to consider credibility authenticity in order to assure yourself that the information you are collecting is from a trusted source.
  • Most of the times it happens when sources do not keep up to date with their information. Which is why most of the information on these platforms can be old and not fresh. Even when the data could be accurate and somewhat helpful. It may be not from most recent timeline. Or from the events that took place in recent years, months or weeks.
  • The conclusion that is written in secondary research is derive from primary research. So, when you are opt out for secondary research method you may still need to have some what of primary data collected to derive its conclusion from. Because the quality of your secondary research data depends to an extend of primary researched data quality.

Secondary Research With Methods And Examples

Who wouldn’t like to work with project with the type of research. That could be afforded easily by students. Secondary research is performed in a leaden manner by many organization institutes. And students for their academic projects. For plenty of reasons, you wouldn’t wonder. If we tell you that secondary research is also termed as desk research. Because through secondary research you get an easy access to information while sitting behind the desk. Here we have secondary research methods and secondary research examples. That you will find helpful for your research:

There is Plenty of data on the internet for you

In the realm of today’s digital world. The internet is ruling like no less than a king. Having the access to every kind of knowledge with couple of few clicks. Has made things so much easier for everyone to benefit themselves from. When it comes to collecting secondary research. Internet tops the list because. It is one of the major reliable sources of getting information. And that too free of cost.

Government and Non-Government Agencies

Collecting data from government and non-government agencies. Are also a major source of getting secondary research sources. Some small business development centers and UK agencies like UK government printing offices. Can be a source of secondary research.

Libraries Are Not Just for Passing Your Time

Silence! Read quiet! Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yeah, you guessed it right we are talking about libraries while most go there to spend a quality time. some go there for their academic tasks to do. Speaking of which having an access to number of books in one place. Secondary research is easy for you.

Educational Institutes Are a Good Idea to Get Information From

Most individuals tend to avoid looking for secondary sources for research in universities and colleges. But truth be told. The educational institutes are far more reliable for accumulating secondary research than organizations and other business sources.

Information Can Also Be Fetched From Commercials

Plenty of information can be obtained through. (Local newspaper, journals, magazines, radio, market research, statistics and other trustworthy sources). These are very trusted in terms of getting secondary research sources. Information advertised I commercials comes very handful when doing research. Because the data that could be derive from them is often relevant to the research question.

Also Read: PEEL Paragraph | What Does it Stands For | How is it Useful?


If we speak of conclusion by the end of this topic. Then we have examined in our blog how much significance secondary research holds for research question or any topic. It saves times, doesn’t have charges to them. And burgeons one person’s own stature of knowledge. Even though it does have cons to it as well. But it’s nothing of much big deal and couldn’t be compensated easily. It is still a lot more helpful to conduct your research in places where primary research is not applicable of. Which is why secondary research is chosen by many.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about discursive essay, also make sure to also read Driscoll Model, Essay Planning and Sentence Starters.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What is an Example is Secondary Research?

Secondary research can take many forms and comes in a good amount of quality number. How ever if we are to give couple of good, examples of secondary research. Then they would be statistical analysis, literature reviews, case studies and informative commercials.

How is Secondary Research Conducted?

Secondary research is conducted through checking the relevancy of sources that you are conducting your research from. If it falls under your research question or topic. The secondary research involves a process of compiling several data that already exists. Which was stockpiled from variety pf different sources.

Why Secondary Research is Better Than Primary Research?

Secondary research is easily accessible through various different platforms. You can have an easy access to secondary sources than primary sources which are accumulated through interviews and individual experiences also secondary research is better for students and much suitable because this research method is free of cost and doesn’t charge anything. While contrary to this primary research has charges to them.

What is The Purpose of Secondary Research?

The purpose of secondary research is to deeply analyze the already existing information about research question. With additional insights of your own perspective about the topic. It sorts of modifies the knowledge which was already collected by someone else. It is less time consuming and results which derive from it are incredible.

What is The Difference Between Primary Research And Secondary Research?

The name for these two types speaks, for themselves primary research is a firsthand original data which was originated by author themselves. While secondary research data is collected by someone else which you would analyze do further research of and give an interpretation from your end.

Can I Ask For my Topic Customization Through Secondary Research?

Yes, at Pro UK Writings we have an incredible team of academic writers and researchers who do everything they can to provide the best academic writing service possible. If you want your project crafted through secondary research. Then provide us all of the accurate information that would be required in your project.


The Perfect Law Personal Statement | Your Complete Guide

Law Personal Statement

Here is your key guidance to all of the steps that will lead you to how you can write a law personal statement.

What is a law personal statement?

Before we even begin with our practice of law personal statement writing. It is much important to understand what is law personal statement? Without any further explanation or side talks. Let’s cut straight to the chase. A law school personal statement is multi-layered paragraph essay or a narrative which is highlighting. All of the reason for why you are pursuing you are J.D degree.

Furthermore, this essay gives you an opportunity to expand and share your identity. With the committee of admission. Therefore, the extensiveness of law personal statements are typically 2-4 pages long. And it is very important when you are tailoring your law personal statement.

First of all, you have to be adamant of the fact that it matches the typical length specified for it. What’s more to it is. Most of the law schools ditch to provide the prompt to students. While some do. Moreover, make sure to check the guidelines before beginning the writing process.

Also Read: PEEL Paragraph | What Does It Stands For | How Is It Useful?

Why Do Law Schools Ask For Personal Law Applications?

Law schools, casually receive a high volume of applications. In addition to this, as a matter of fact most of the times the recruiters do not contact the applicants for interviews. Until they have check and went through their applications. For that reason, as a result law personal statements. Basically, work as a great substitute for applicant’s interview.

Correspondingly law statements address one applicant’s ability to (communicate and skillset, state of mind creativity and all of the aspects). They need to know about. Law personal statements give the admission committee a very clear insight of why you would be most befitting to be a part of law school.

If you have been wanting to know “how can I become a great lawyer in the future?” “And how can I expand my skill sets?” Law school should be the first step. Likewise, as you cannot directly climb to the top of the mountain without taking baby steps. You cannot become a lawyer without law school experience. And personal law statements are the key to secure yourself a seat at the table.

Get help in law personal statement From Experts!

For individuals who need assistance with law personal statement, our experts are here for you!

Which Things Are Necessary to Include in a Law Personal Statement?

Although whenever writing a law personal statement. There are couple of aspects crucially important for the application. each of those aspects hold great importance and should not be avoided at any cost writing. Your application should represent that you have brought your interest to life. This is the key to writing a coherent well concise statement. In the meantime, in case you are already studying law. You should mention topics. You have enjoyed so far studying.

Likewise in order to make this more understandable for you. Finally let’s talk about things you should include in your law personal statement. Here we have bullet points for you. These bullet points will execute your engagement with law:

  • A legal dimensional book. Anything about crime or government services.
  • Work experience, any public service job or regular Saturday’s holidays or part time jobs. In general, any work experience.
  • Visits to your nearest employment tribunal, local magistrates court or the nearest crown court.
  • Become a part of any debating club or start your own. If you have the opportunity to conduct personal project.

While writing your law personal statement. Do not just enlist everything in. But try to make things relevant to your experiences. In such a way that reflect upon your personality.

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Which Things Can You Further Do An Addition Of In Your Law Personal Statement?

Here are additional key points to add further in your law personal statement:

Give a Reason of Why You Want to Study Law

It is important and should be the centric approach of your law statement. Why you choose to study law? Logically, you can actually make it reasonable and more emphasized by focusing on writing aspects that are about particular interest for you. Describe how the law study is relevant to your interest and current study.

How your skills perfectly fit with law study

You should give description of “why you will be the perfect fit for the study?” Demonstrate and highlight your skills from public speaking to writing essays with great attention to details. Each of your skill could be efficient for law personal statement.

Mention how you stay updated with ongoing changes in world

The interview committee of law schools are much likely to find interest in those candidates. Who energetically like to stay updated with ongoing trends. Those candidates are most suitable for enrollment in law school. Who find interest in current ongoing events.

Look out for spelling mistakes

Having punctuation, grammatical or any type error. Could get in a way of accepting the application. Before you submit your statement. Make sure to check all of the mistakes and errors. Your application should coherent and of good quality.

Combination of another subject

As a caveat we would like to tell you. In case you are picking your law study mixed with another subject. Make sure to write something that also make your expertise relevant to that another subject too.

Talk about which insights you have gained from extracurricular activities

Talking about your gained experience from extracurricular activities is another good way of demonstrating your skills and motivation.

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Things You Should Avoid Including In Your Law Personal Statement

  • No success at finding sources for your subjects of interest.
  • Punctuation mistakes, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Missing out the main point of why you are relevant to the program and how your interest and skills makes you suitable for law school.
  • Too many quotation marks can affect the quality of your application negatively. It is an ideal thing to avoid using too many quotation marks.
  • Don’t make your application sound too clich . Since you are writing a law personal assignment. We will suggest you to avoid using the “law” word, “passion,” “dedication” and “skill set”. Such words that can be useful. There should not be an excessive use of them.
law personal statement example from Pro UK Writings

Law Personal Statement Examples

To give you an idea of how you should law statement is supposed to look like. Identical to that. Here we have examples of personal statements for law.

Law Personal Statement Example 1:

I become very fascinated about law study. when I first read the book ‘I’m Nujood, age 10 divorced.’ This is a book about a young juvenile Yemen girl. Who forcibly had to marry an older man. Whom she luckily escaped from and divorced. As I was reading the book. And even after I finished reading it. This very epiphany in my mind made me question about differences in law worldwide. I want to study law so that I could educate myself more about (rules, politics, society and laws of different countries). Law will help me to push myself out of my comfort zone and grasp knowledge. About legal issues, for example: Liability. I’m motivated and open to accepting new challenges and so ready to experience what this field has to offer to me.

Law Personal Statement Example 2:

I’m confident within myself to study law at (X. Y. Z.) university. And with pure dedication I accept all of the challenges that law study has to offer. The reason for why I’m volunteering for law is because. It has always been passion and a dream of mine to serve justice to those who ask for it. I know there are endless possibilities and opportunities waiting for me. In this field and I don’t want to miss out on any of those opportunities.

Law Personal Statement Example 3:

As a student of council member, I have undertaken a student council training course. And I have certainly developed my leadership quality. being a member of 4th form student leadership team. I can proudly state the facts that. I have great leadership quality and possess great communication and collaboration skills. On a daily basis I communicate with other team members. To be sure of the fact that student’s views are represented. Prior to this.
I have also been held accounted to assist year 8 form tutor and her students during the time of form. Aside from expertise, I also like to spend time watching shows and documentaries. One of my favorite documentaries to watch is “Unreported world.’ This documentary shines a light upon ongoing events. Which are taking their place in the world but have very limited media coverage. Barely any, that most of the major events are barely known by anyone. For a part time job, I’m a waitress in a cafeteria which helps me a lot to be a multi tasker. Because I can manage both my study and job simultaneously without any problem.

What We Have Learned For Law Personal Statement?

Law personal statements are the key to getting yourself enrolled into law school. But if you want recruiters from the law school to notice your name. A coherent well written paper is the key as similar to that. Which is why during the writing process. It is important to keep in mind about the things that. You should add in and those aspects you should avoid.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Personal Law Statement, also make sure to also read essay planning, driscoll model of reflection, and primary research.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

How do I write law personal statement for LLB?

Your inspiration for writing a law personal statement for LLB. Should be driven from you. As the name speaks for itself. It is called a personal statement for a reason. Self-reflection is important for writing this application for LLB. Make sure to shine a light on your vision, motivation, how much do you resonate with LLB and why you will perform the best in this faculty.

What is if someone asks me “Why do you choose law as your career in personal statement”?

The answer to this question should be relevant to the field. The legal profession offers dynamic challenges. Which helps an individual to grow form and expand their expertise along with an extension of knowledge. Being a lawyer isn’t just a job but instead a responsibility to serve justice. And only the fair and most responsible ones are the match for this field.

How can I write law personal statement with no experience?

If you have never written a law personal statement before. Then it is much recommended to educated yourself about the topic as much as you can because law personal statements are self-reflection. You will be writing all about where do you see yourself going in this field. It is an important to know about the topic first then secondly about your own self.

How many words is a personal statement?

There a specified recommended length to each document. And so is there an extension line to personal statement as well. Personal statements can be up to 4000 characters long. Don’t freak out yet. These many characters may sound like a lot but actually they are 550 words to 1000 words. Which is a far length for a law personal statement to be.

What are couple of good starting lines for law personal statement?

Here we have couple of few best lines. You can start your law personal statement with;

  • I have always wanted to be…
  • For as long as I can remember….
  • The reason for why I’m choosing to apply for this course is…
  • I always wanted to serve justice to those who seek…
  • My interest for this course is very high I know it will be….
How to end the law personal statement?

It is advised to tie your law personal to what you had written earlier. Mention the key points you have already spoken about in the body of your law statement. In the conclusion they should be emphasized. No new information in the conclusion should be added. But instead, you can talk about how do you yourself in the future performing better.


Sentence Starter Tips To Enhance Your Writing!

Sentence Starters:

Do you recognize that moment when you are in kitchen trying to cook or bake something really delicious so you add in different flavors of ingredients to form one dish of many different flavors same as that when you are in academic you are given multiple essay, dissertation, assignments and coursework to write and students try their best to come up with the best academic piece of writing for these formats but often times they are left clueless what else could they add in more in their writing this is when sentence starters come in handful because in addition to giving off each paragraph or paper writing a good inception point they also make students paper more organized in a way their ideas are conveyed elaborately they also help to convey the arguments more eloquently.

If you do not know, how can you use sentence starters then this blog is for you.

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What Is a Sentence Starter?

Sentence-starters also known as sentence openers are the phrases or words used at the very beginning of the sentence, these are proven to be very important in writing because sentence starters help a lot with readability or speech whether you want to propose an idea, in between thoughts want to transition or highlight a certain point good sentence starters will always help you a lot with maintaining the flow of conversation or writing like, dissertation sentence starters are one good idea to write an immaculate material.

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How Sentences with Openers Help You:

Creative Writing Sentence Starters

If you have been given an academic task to write an extensive project then sentence starters for creative writing is one way to write something really impressive in addition to this while writing a long project that consumes a lot of time you must know that each sentence often has its own topics the more lengthy projects skip from one point to the other and could really flummox a student into great speculation of how they can write something really unique therefore it is always best to use sentence starters for descriptive writing.

Paragraph Starters

Paragraphs are also one exceptional example of using these because they serve the same purpose as one in the descriptive writing because technically paragraphs do a lot of transition from one topic to the other in between these high and low jumps from one bridge to the other paragraph starters could really help with filling up the gaps made in between.

Right Use of Words in a Sentence

Utilizing sentences with openers in fiction is very common and you can find good amount of use of them in novels and fictional story tales but in practical non-fiction academic writing to be more specific in essays they give writer a legit sense of right words to use in essay, sentence starters for essays are very beneficial for students if they want to write an excellent essay.

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How To Use Sentence Starters?

Whether you are writing an article, blog, assignment, dissertation, essay or engaged in a conversation with someone commencement of topic is always difficult part specially if you are a non-native English speaker because English is not your first language and you could really be confused how can you incept a conversation

It does not necessarily always have to be non-native speakers facing dilemmas with commencing a conversation but often times native speakers also stuck in their speeches and could not find right words in a sentence to use because the question they have wandering in mind is either “what do I say now?” or “What else can I write to break the transition between these paragraphs in essay?”

But this no longer be one of your concerns because we are here to sort you all out.

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When Can You Use Sentence Openers?

Sentence starters could be used at the very beginning of the paragraph, in the middle of it or at the end of it in general anywhere because they add in more uniqueness to your piece of writing but only if they are used correctly and having precise knowledge in regards of them really gets the job done.

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Image showing examples of sentence starters for improving writing.
Words To Help You Commence Writing or Speech: Openers could be used in either the form of words or phrases if you have been looking for good sentence starters then we have couple of best mentioned below because there is a great variety of them by making a use out of them you would not have to worry about your speech or text being banal, we have the starters mentioned below in different categories.
For starting a sentance
  • Once long ago…”
  • “I don’t know but …”
  • “Because…”
  • “To be more specific…”
  • “But what if…”
  • “In general…”
  • “However…”
  • “Whether…”
  • “Let me begib with…”
  • “Lets start by…”
  • “Do you know…”
  • “Do you wonder…”

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Sentence Starters for Introduction:

If you want to intrigue a conversation or write strong opening for your project then launch it off with an opening of a sentences which shines light to the topic and make the reader curious by implementing an uncanny situation in the text or ask them a question to leave them hunting for answer Here are a couple of openers which you can use introduction of your article:
  • Many years ago…”
  • “The one thing which…”
  • “Have you ever thought…?”
  • “My research inclines to…”
  • “I want to shine light…”
  • “My new pair of shoes…”
  • “I wish sometimes…”
  • “What if tomorrow is…”
  • “I would like to add…”

Also read: PEEL Paragraph | What Does it Stands For | How is it Useful?

Openers To Accentuate:

Emphasizing the point of your writing with a dramatic opening will grab the readers or listeners most of the attention in fact it is the right way to do so because it helps with engagement in the topic. Few examples of this are:
  • “All listen carefully…”
  • “This is very important…”
  • “This is the most vital part…”
  • “This is the spicy part…”
  • “Attention to this part…”
  • “I request interest here…”
  • “Attention here please…”
  • “Let me tell you…”
  • “To make it clear…”

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Paragraph Starters:

Just like starters in general paragraph starters are used to start off a paragraph which are basically used in essays this type of openers in paragraph help you to transition like butter in essay they interlink the last sentence and the new commencing sentence well together.
  • “Well…”
  • “In addition to this…”
  • “Furthermore…”
  • “Because…”
  • “Evidently enough…”
  • “But the truth is…”
  • “As we all are aware of…”
  • “It is decided then…”
  • “No doubt…”
  • “Some may raise…”

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Story Openers:

These starters are used in story telling or when you are writing an essay that focuses more on narrative story telling rather than non-fictional practical approach these can be used at any part of the narration the start, the mid and by the end but to be more specific they are in a leaden manner used to give readers the time a specific event took place.
  • “Many years ago…”
  • “By the flick of hand…”
  • “This happened when…”
  • “It happened when …”
  • “Ages ago…”
  • “once upon a time…”
  • “Once there was…”
  • “Let me tell you a story …”
  • “After that…”
  • “Some may raise…”
  • “It is decided then…”

Closing Starters:

These are used by the time of winding up the story project article essay or anything in general they give readers a sense of story reaching its end but these starters can not be used at any point of the writing but instead have to specifically be used at the end.
  • “lastly…”
  • “which resulted in…”
  • “And then…”
  • “At the end of the day…”
  • “In the end…”
  • “Years latter…”
  • “Now that we know…”
  • “All that ever was…”
  • “What we learnt form…”

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Contrast Starters:

These are the most interesting starters type these are used when you compare two different things to each other or more than 2 does not have to be limited they are also referred as comparison sentence starters.
  • “Same as…”
  • “Opposite to…”
  • “Similarly…”
  • “In juxtaposition to…”
  • “Equally…”
  • “Both are same…”
  • “Contrarily…”
  • “Adds more to this…”
  • “On the other side of roads…”

Explanation Openers:

These type of sentence starters are used to give explanation to formal or facts consisted texts they can also be used sporadically to give interpretation of procedures that have many steps included they make step procedures more coherent.
  • “What happens next is…”
  • “Leading it to…”
  • “This vindicates that…”
  • “This means…”
  • “Because of…”
  • “This proves that…”
  • “The meaning of…”
  • “It leans towards to…”
  • “The meaning of…”
  • “Another reason is…”
  • “The fact is…”
  • “Minus 1 keep the ratio of 9 …”
For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Sentence Starters, also make sure to also read Emotive Language, Language Features and Physiotherapy Dissertation Ideas
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What is a good sentence starter?

A good sentence starter is one that sets the tone of your essay or paragraph and is clear to the reader. If the paragraph is about explaining a concept, then the starter should be explanatory.

Can sentence starters be used in assignments?

Yes, sentence starters are meant to improve the overall quality of the material. You can use them in any writing format as you wish.

What is the benefit of sentence starters?

Sentence starters help with students’ writing abilities. They help maintain the flow of the project and assist students in writing an exceptional piece of work, even for more complex topics.

What is another word for sentence starters?

“Sentence starters” is a common term, but another popular term among students is “sentence openers.”

Can “also” be used as a sentence starter?

Yes, absolutely! Whether formal or informal, beginning your sentence with “also” can be used as a sentence starter. Just make sure the last sentence aligns with the next one.

Can I start a sentence with a conjunction?

Starting a sentence with “and,” “for,” “but,” and other conjunctions is fine. Many mistake this for an error, but it is not.


PEEL Paragraph | What Does it Stands For | How is it Useful?


Student’s life is a no joke because a lot happens in their everyday life and often times they are given dissertations, assignments and essays to write and there is no point in handing over an essay or any project that is not well-structured and organized. When it comes to essay writing and other academic writings English is always the first subject that comes in mind but there are also other subjects where structure matters a lot for writing in order to obtain optimum grades.But this is the common problem faced by many students because often times a student mind goes complete blank when they don’t understand the right structure to follow which can lead them to a well written project so how can students overcome this problem?The answer to that is “Peel Paragraphs” if you have not heard of this term before then let us educate you about this.

Also Read: Learn All About Language Features: Examples, Impacts, & More! 

What Is a “Peel Paragraph?

If by reading the name “Peel Paragraph you are hunching if it has anything to do with fruit peels then you are absolutely wrong because “PEEL” is actually an acronym which stands for (POINT, EVIDENCE, EXPLAINATION, LINK) writing an essay or any academic project requires a lot of creativity in order to structure an on fleek material, you don’t just pick up a particular topic and dive in with no gear.Most of the times it happens when a student does not write for quiet a period of time, he or she forgets about the canons to follow that goes into the writing or even if you have been writing but could not keep up with the structure then Peel paragraph is the right thing for you which will help you to hone your writing skills.

How Is Peel Paragraph Helpful?

Having a right writing method helps a lot with the structure of paragraph, it can easily make any paragraph more cohesive and execute the arguments, details, premises and concept well. A good writer always paces through directly and never fails to deliver the message which he or she is trying to reach out to the audience with. The key to a well-written project is to always clear one aspect of writing in each paragraph and peel method makes it easy for you. This technique makes your work more comprehensive and reader easily gets the message veiled in the article, blog, essay, novel and script (e. t. c).

Also Read: Gibbs Reflective Cycle: All 6 Stages & Examples | Pro UK Writings

Illustration showing a PEEL paragraph example with text and arrows.

What Does “Peel” Stands For?

Peel paragraphs are used when students are given projects to write in peel format for paragraph or in general it helps with exceling overall quality of the essay or any other academic writing, if you don’t know what does peel in this type of writing stands by then let us tell you:

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Try to commence your topic with a sentence that directly delivers the insight of what you are topic of choice or piece of work is going to be about the (POINT) supports the prime debate of the topic or statements made in paragraph at the start.


Prove your point by the evidence which vindicates the point you have made at the start is valid and reasonable (EVIDENCE) supports the point.


In this stage you go in-depth and lay out all of the reasons for why your evidence support the point (EXPLAINATION) extends the information and make essay or any writing more comprehensive, you must persuade the reader to see your point of view.


This is the last stage of the method, this is where you create a connection back to the argument of main point of the essay or assignment in this stage you basically emphasize the point which you have made earlier in even more great detail or can use (LINK) to transition to the next paragraph or topic.

Also Read: Critical Analysis Of A Research paper 

Why Is Peel Paragraph Used?

This format of paragraph writing is used under the reason for appropriate structure by implementing this in your paragraph you basically raise a point then, give evidence of the point further more you explain your evidence then link to the conclusion here is peel paragraph structure which will help you understand the term better:

PEEL paragraph is interesting right?

Contact us now and get PEEL paragraphs in your assignments!

Peel Paragraph Example

Here is written an example of a peel paragraph which demonstrates how you can implement this in writing.

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Topic: “The Impacts Of Social Media


The world we exist in today, technology has become a vital part of everyone’s everyday life I have a firm belief that the world we were born in no longer exists there are several other factors which have come along with the rise of technology along the lines, as we know any news in this era is easily accessible and could be notified from at any part of the world but social media also has its negative impacts on youth like being vulnerable to the dark side of too much involvement with strangers, hijacking of personal accounts, children with social media profiles where social media has been proven beneficial in terms of helping people in desperate need through viral videos it has its downsides too it takes a big toll on peoples and influencers mental stability because of unsolicited opinions from strangers you never know what one individual might be going through in secrecy and everybody has a right to revel life and ways of existence in their own preference which leads us to why today’s world is a lot different than previous decades and gives us the conclusion of why social media has its positive and negative impacts and this topic should be scrutinized more.

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Also check out our blog about sentence starter to take your writing skills couple of more notches higher.For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Cover Letter, also make sure to also read Emotive Language, Language Features and Dissertation Structure.
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What makes a good PEEL paragraph?

Follow the structure and elaborate on each stage specifically. Start the sentence with a Point, follow it with Evidence, provide an Explanation for the evidence, and then create a Link in the final step.

What is the point of a PEEL paragraph?

A PEEL paragraph is used to organize an essay, assignment, dissertation, or novel. This method is heavily used in academic writing because it helps to increase the readability of the topic.

How do you connect paragraphs?

In a PEEL paragraph, the last step is to connect paragraphs or highlight starting points again. Transitioning paragraphs improves the readability of an essay or project.

What does the "P" in PEEL stand for?

The “P” in PEEL stands for Point. This is the first step to writing a perfect essay, where you begin the sentence with a word or line that conveys the concept of the rest of the essay or assignment.

How should I pick evidence for the point?

Carefully read the point and examine what it demonstrates about the topic you are writing about. Then, research and collect data that provides strong evidence to support the point.

Can I use PEEL paragraphs in other types of writing as well?

Yes, PEEL paragraphs are very versatile and can easily be implemented in various types of writing, such as academic, business, articles, blogs, essays, dissertations, and coursework. This method is quite adaptable.


Cover Letter Examples | Tips on How to Write a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter:

In this blog learn with us how you can write the perfect cover letter for your job application.

What Is a Cover Letter?

You must have heard about cover letter when it comes to the job enrollments but if this is your first time hearkening about this term then you must not be familiar with the concept of cover letters so let us guide you through a bit.Cover letters are one page document which calibrates you resume or CV whenever you apply for the job because a cover letter help interviewer to get a clear insight of your passion, divertissements and experiences before in regards of the job position you are opting out for.Now, the main thing which knocks in, is in the current world where so much technology and modernization has taken its place most youngsters don’t think if cover letters are as essential as they were before because of the advancement in human ways of doing things. Sometimes recruiters also cut straight to the chase and don’t read cover letters but only the ones that do not intrigued them as much while on the other a good written letter can increase your chances of getting the job.

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Importance Of Cover Letter:

One of the most crucial steps of job application is the cover letter. A compelling and Grammarly correct cover letter is the most fundamental part of getting a job because you must have heard this at least once in your life that first impressions are everything.A cover letter gives the applicant or the interview clear demonstration of your experience skills ability an how can you do bring significance to the company office or the campaign you are hoping to get enrolled into therefore it is very important for the applicant to write precisely a correct cover letter which will conceal their career background with expertise.

How To write A Cover Letter?

After days and days of heavy job research searching high and low left and right looking for the perfect job that suits you the best you did come to find one but then you realize they want you to submit a cover letter for them and now you have been stuck with one question in mind “How can I write the perfect cover letter?”Well, don’t worry anymore we got you all covered all you need to do is just sit back relax and read through all the essential steps of how you can write the perfect cover letter for the job.

Also Read: Gibbs Reflective Cycle: All 6 Stages & Examples | Pro UK Writings

Image depicting the dos and don'ts of cover letter writing

Steps To Write a Cover Letter:

Before the actual steps to the cover letter writing, we want you to acknowledge some of the key aspects to retain in mind throughout the writing process make sure that your cover letter:
  • Has an introduction of yourself so that the hiring managers could acknowledge you better.
  • Justifies your academic qualification.
  • Give out an interpretation of why do you want to work for them.
  • Why they should trust you and how can you add so much more to the company.
  • In case before this job application, you have been on the wallaby track then explain them the situation.

Also Read: Rolfe Reflective Model | What? So What? Now What?

The Steps for Cover Letter writing:

All cover letters are based upon the basic business letter structure and must have the sections in writing which are enlisted down below.

Research Well Before the Writing:

Does not matter if you are writing a cover letter or any other type of paper like Dissertation, Assignment, coursework or essay (In case of desperate need for academic writing service, click on any of these following Dissertation Writing help, Assignment Writing Help, Coursework Writing Help and Essay Writing Help) researching and collecting information for the final product is the most crucial step of any procedure.Before anything examine the job and position well to formulate a conclusion for yourself if the job aligns with your interest and professionalism or not, if the job is worth than previous one or not also make sure to mention in the letter.
  • Your notable achievements from prior experiences.
  • Any of your skill mentioned in the requirements.
  • Any work you have done before and gained experience from could be implemented or not.
  • Educational qualifications.
  • Any honorary awards prizes or certificates from prior work experiences.

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Cover Letter Template:

One of the key steps to write a perfect cover letter is to utilize the appropriate template if you would use a professionally designed template, it is pretty guaranteed to have a well-organized and written letter in hand make sure to pick the most modern creative and quiet simple styled template that situates your CV and Resume by using the appropriate template have the best cover letter in hands.

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Professional Header:

A header in a cover letter technically includes your name address email address and phone number so be sure of the fact you don’t have any mistakes while creating the header for the letter because one single digit off in phone number or email address could bring the wrong person to the job interview, also headers are placed at the top left corner of the page.
For Example:
“Jan. 12, 2024 Recipient Name Title of the job Studio/Company name Studio Adress Name of city, state & ZIP codeGreetings For the Hiring Manager”One thing that would come off as very helpful is to establish a connection with the hiring manager, greeting the hiring manager in cover letters give off the perception of kindness well brought up. In case the gender of the hiring manager is not specified you can use their first and last name.
For Example:
Dear (full name of the hiring manger)Another way of addressing to the hiring manager is when you do know the gender of the hiring manager you address to them as Mr./Ms. Try to avoid using use of “Miss” or “Mrs.” for the female because you don’t want to be hinting out on their marital status.More on that avoid using informal language or words like “Hi” or “Hello” or old salutations which at this point have become outdated like “Dear sir or Madam.” Instead have a peak below.

Some DOs & DON’Ts to consider when writing a professional header for a cover letter:

Writing A Captivating Introduction:

First sentence of the cover letter is the most crucial one you must know how to start a cover letter because it acts as the opening for the rest of the letter therefore make sure to come up with the compelling sentence to initiate the rest of your letter with, tell the hiring managers why you are the best fit for the job among the bustling crowd out there in the world.

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The Body Paragraphs:

Furthermore, body paragraphs give more in depth insight of your expertise and brings up the chance of specifically elaborating each of your skill asset in more detail, which you can do by:Explain details of your prior work experience which industry you had been held employe for how many years of experience you have from there and all of your accomplishments.If this is would be your first job ever then justify you qualification try to interlink the job post with the school project in which you have scored the best in case that is relevant to the post

Emphasize your work skills:

In case you have had many transfers for particular reasons then make sure to write about your transferrable skills because it executes to the reader you can master the work in little to less time.

Also read: All You Need To Know About Kolb Reflective Cycle

Time For Closing Paragraph:

Now for the closing step when you are about to close the cover letter you should make it clear to the employer that the job opportunity sounds exhilarating to you that there could be endless possibilities which you can bring to the company for the benefit of it because you are the missing piece of the puzzle they have been looking for.Since you are writing the letter for a human being and someone who is venerated thank them for taking their time out for reading your letter.
A checklist symbolizing cover letter footer writing dos and don'ts

Time For Signing For:

Now finally it is time to sign off the letter but on a professional standard because it demonstrates your meticulous attention to details and ability to observe things which one would minorly miss out on, also it gives justification to the professionalism.

Some of the DOs and DON’Ts to consider when ending your cover letter:

Proofread Your End Materiel:

Now that you have followed the steps and hopefully have written or will be writing a cover letter for yourself make sure after the very last step you proofread your cover letter and correct all of the punctuational, grammar and spelling mistakes unintentionally been made in the process of writing proofreading your cover letter would help you with several aspects like:
  • Relevancy
  • Clarity
  • Tone
  • Grammar & spelling mistakes
  • The general overview of the letter
  • Structure
In case you are not best at proofreading your papers we provide Proofreading & Editing service for all academic and non-academic writings at reasonable prices so now that you know all about cover letter writing below is written a sample piece by examining which you can get the clear idea of structure and cover letter.

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Cover Letter Example:

December. 18, 2020

Recipient Name
Title of the job
Studio/Company name
Studio Adress
Name of city, state & ZIP code

Dear Mr. X.Y.Z

I came across the job posting for [ desired job title ] and when reviewing the requirements I was actually enlivened to see how my prowess actually aligns with the requirements. I have a firm belief that my qualifications would quintessentially be an ideal match for the [ job title ]

I’m a persevering and a dedicated individual whom has credentials at formulating oneself for any context along with the lines of solving any sort of a dilemma that comes in a way.

Because my professional goals align with the [ post ] mission and values, this opportunity in a peculiar manner is exciting. I believe my hardworking assiduous personality and polite engagement disposition with customer will support and drive your continued organization success.

To demonstrate the scope of my career history and professional competencies, please take a moment to retrospect my attached circular vitae. I appreciate your evaluation of my credentials and subsequent response.

Sincerely, X.Y.Z

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Cover Letter, also make sure to also read Emotive Language, Language Features and Dissertation Structure.
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter is a one-page document used to give the interviewer or hiring manager a clear insight into your professionalism and experience regarding the job. A successful cover letter is coherent and short, typically only 3 to 4 paragraphs.

Why is a cover letter important for the job?

A cover letter is submitted along with a resume because, while the resume showcases your capabilities, the cover letter provides a more in-depth explanation of your expertise.

What question should be answered in a cover letter?

A cover letter should address questions such as:

  • Who are you?
  • What’s your qualification?
  • Any prior professional background?
  • What are your expertise?
What does a cover letter include?

Cover letters include personal information such as your email address, phone number, full name, and the date the letter was written. It also provides contact details that you have listed in your resume.

Can cover letters include images?

Cover letters are meant to showcase the interviewee’s credentials. Adding images is unnecessary and should not be done.

How can I write a cover letter without mentioning the company name?

If you don’t know the company’s name, you can address the cover letter with:

  • To The Hiring Manager
  • To The Recruit Team
  • Dear Recruit Committee
  • Dear Hiring Staff
  • Dear Hiring Team

Learn All About Language Features: Examples, Impacts, & More!


Language features are fundamental to master if you want to be well articulated at English. Basically, they elevate your proficiency at writing or speaking. Unravel the essentials of language feature in this blog.

What Are Language Features In English?

If you want to atone the quality of paper which you are writing or want to be eloquent at speaking English because often times it happens casually when we read a piece of article or hear someone speech immaculately, we often wonder “how does that person holds such proficiency at speaking or writing English eloquently?” well we have the answer for that question right here. Need help with English Homework? Try it now!Those individuals predominantly not all but most of them have mastered the use of language feature but “What is a language feature?”A language feature is a use of word, sentence, phrase or an expression that does the job of adding meaning to the language it helps with other factors like improving the quality of English writing or speaking and escalates the impact of expressions to boot. It can be either in the form of using a noun, figure of speech, sentence structure or an adjective. The language expression solitarily depends upon the matter of fact which type of text you are writing, the target audience and the topic. Try our English Coursework, if you need any help for it!

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Significance Of Language Feature GSCE:

The realm of language feature is as wide as it could be like an ocean many linguistic secrets lies there English is not just another language with simple grammar and vocabulary language feature technically makes it fun to communicate with others or to write with.For Example: Onomatopoeia is when a word gets created to implicit the nature of a certain sound.She fell down on boxes like “BAM.” “BAM” used here is to give audible illustration of how it seemed like.
Image showing six examples of language features

Language Feature Examples & Impacts:

Here are enlisted the impacts of language features examples which you can read through to understand better!

Examples Of Language Feature:


An allegory is when a story, poem, character proposes an idea it is called Allegory. Allegory is used when writer wants to elaborate a thought without giving direct meaning because the readers are the ones to interpret it this is basically a good example of how language feature provide additional value to the emotion or speculations.For Example: “ANIMAL FARM” A Novel published by George Orwell in 1945 is one of the best examples of allegory and is commonly used in schools to help children understand the concept of allegory because it projects animals with human characteristics where animals run the farm themselves after kicking out the humans.

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Alliteration:Read line mentioned as an example and let us ask you if you noticed anything? You must have but if not then let us point it for you all of the initials in the line above incept with S and this is exactly what alliteration is bunch or couple of different words in a sentence written next to each other having the same initial. This is the secret formula or writers and poets which make their poetries so much more enthralling to read because it adds rhythm to the writing.For Example: “Sebastian Saw Seaside”


Allusion is to indirectly refer an idea, musing, feeling, individual or anything but not with direct approach, writers use allusions to not directly emphasize the concept or the meaning hidden behind the sentence because they want their audience to spot it out for themselvesFor Example: “John is so busy always, I might as well just build an empire”. Meaning of this example is John always has an excuse for being busy to barely take time out for anything while on the other hand everybody has busy lives that it is no excuse.

Also Read: Gibbs Reflective Cycle: All 6 Stages & Examples | Pro UK Writings


Analogy serves the purpose of persuasive writing as a language feature where a writer debates and upfront state their ideas in a way where readers agree with the writer’s point of view.For Example: “Nothing is cheap everything has its price even the air we breathe”


Anaphora is language feature where you emphasize the starting points of the speech or sentence where you recall the early mentioned words to refresh.For Example: I don’t care what they think. I don’t care what they like. I don’t care if they notice.These are 3 different sentences with repetition of the same first 3 words. This grabs readers attention every time and make your writing or speech more harmonic!

Dramatic Irony:

Dramatic irony is one of the most interesting language features to learn and use in any piece of writing because irony brings much to readers curiosity out of circulating the questions in mind “How was that possible?” “How did this happen?” or “How could it be?”For Example: The nerd in class failed his specified subject.People dining in a fancy restaurant were venting about how expensive fancy restaurants are.


Euphemism is one of the most commonly used language features in either writing or speech we use euphemisms as substitutes for words that sound too provocative.For Example: Mommy has been like a robot the entire evening. (“Robot” was used to refer to mom being busy for the entire afternoon).His brother bought a new cell phone at friendly price. (“Friendly” has been used as a substitute for cheap).

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Two words that resemble each other a lot but have completely different meanings are known as homonyms or homophones they help a lot with expanding lexicon.For Example: The bat flew by. He swinged his bat. In addition to this. This one is limited edition.As we can see here the word “bat” is one word which holds different meaning in two different scenarios same as that “Addition” and “Edition” have similar enunciation but different meanings.


Imagery is when you process a visual image in your mind out of reading or hearing a piece of writing you use abstract thought method when talking about a person, place, situation, emotion and idea. It accelerates imagination.For Example: His bar of soap smelled like rose flowers. She was way too noisy like a trumpet.


If you want to overemphasize your character, story, situation or emotions hyperbola language feature will just get it done for you because hyperbola emphasize the text or sentence more.For Example: Lila was singing in car she sounded like “banshee.” That taco was the best thing I ever had in life.

Also Read: Driscoll Model Of Reflection | What? So What? Now What?


Enunciating this word could be difficult for some but this word means “comparison” same as the meaning the purpose of this language feature is to place two or more characters, traits, places, situations or actions next to each other and contrast.For Example: “Practical communication is better than social media interacts.” “The red rose seemed beautiful enough to make me forget all of my sorrows.”


Litotes come in handy when you don’t want to hurt anyone feelings because they are used to convey negative statement with positive approach.For Example: “You were not bad out there.” “I did not dislike his presence.”


Metaphor is when you describe something with application of another thing’s qualityFor Example:“He runs faster than a car” “He is smarter than a fox”

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Oxymoron is a play of words where contradiction of words with opposed meaning are written together some film titles are good examples of this term.For Example: True lies. Dead man walking. Mr. mom.


Pathos is a feature of language which is dearly used to evoke emotions in audience.For Example: No price can ever be equal to peace of mind” “I’m not a bird I must be free from the cage”

Rhetorical question:

Rhetorical questions are different from regular ones they are used to hook the audience onto something with curiosity and engagement into the story article or any piece of work because they certainly don’t demand precise answers but to make a point.For Example: Is sky really blue? Which came first hen or egg? World is a very big place can somebody explore it all?


You must have heard words sometimes shoot to kill and satire is exactly how that happens satire executes your dislike for something through use of humor.For Example: Doing nothing is very hard to do you never know when you are finished – Leslie Nelson. You thought you could expose me? You know nothing to tell.

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Personification are sentences, titles, words or thoughts that have human like emotions or has been personified with human like abilities.For Example: “Monsters University” “The brave little toaster” “The little tin soldier”


Simile also compares one person things or objects quality with another but it is different from a metaphor because simile give identification of 2 things that are alike without applicating another things quality.For Example: “She sings like an angel” “Children were as fresh as flowers “He looked amazing as 90’s film hero”


Symbols are used in everyday life from traffic lights which represents signals to let people know when to go and stop to dollars which represents money symbolism are significantly used in writing as well.For Example: It was valentine’s day the hallways were mostly pink the color which symbolizes love. Everything was “blue” meaning no joy and excitement for life.


When the sound precisely gets described in words.For Example: The clock was ticking “Tik Tok” The bees were buzzing around sunflowers like “Buzz”

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When you use something more once or twice consecutively it loses its originality this exactly what Cliché are:For Example: “Love at first sight” “An uphill battle” “Don’t judge a book by its cover” “Cold as ice”These are the best language features that you can apparently utilize in your writing for best piece of work.


Flashback is a pause from the present to take a ride into the past in writing.For Example: “The soldier was remembering the last year when he was with family around this time.” “Film starts with main character encountering all of childhood tragedies.”


Contradiction approach of stating meaningful deep facts.For Example: “The only constant is change” “Youth is wasted on the young” “You have to spend money to make money” “Less is more”For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Language Features, also make sure to also read Emotive Language and Physiotherapy Dissertation Ideas
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

How can I find language feature in texts?

You need to have the right knowledge about language features in order to understand and point them out in a text without right knowledge they are difficult to identify.

Why do we use language features?

Language features are very impactful if you want your audience to revel your work because the purpose for using language features is to make content readable and exciting because they help with quality.

How do I identify language feature?

Language features are most commonly used by poets, writers and authors because they are an imperative part of their writing you will find a leaden use of them in stories novels and books.

What is the purpose of language feature?

Language feature is the use of words sentences phrases that enhances the quality of your speech or writing through additional significance.

What language feature gives more information?

Adjectives enhances the quality of the noun they are describing words hence they add more details for the texts and are considered informative feature of language.

Which language feature is about absurd use of words or sentences?

Cliché is the language feature that classifies the sentences or words that have been used in such platitudinous way to an extent where they do not sound exciting or surprising anymore.


Driscoll Model Of Reflection | What? So What? Now What?

Driscoll Model Of Reflection

John Driscoll is the inventor of reflective model cycle which was developed by him in (2007) and is one of the simplest, model of reflection John Driscoll’s model of reflection is based on the premises of three key questions which Terry Borton had come up with in the year 1970.

What were the 3 questions of Rolfe Reflective Model?

Those 3 questions are (what? so what? and now what?) Driscoll interlinked these 3 questions to the cycle of experience and learning with additional analysis of each stage to complete the cycle of reflection these 3 questions were sporadically developed in 1994, 2000, and 2007 but the cycle of reflection is most commonly is known by the identification of John Driscoll model of reflection 2007.

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DRIISCOLL Reflective Model: What, So What, Now What - A framework for reflective practice.

How Can You Use These 3 Steps Of Driscoll’s Reflection Model?

Here are the following steps about how you can practically implement this cycle for your personal practical use or if you in contemporaries a nursing practitioner then this could come in very handy for you to master your academics.

STAGE 1: What?

This is the first stage of the cycle where you recall the tragedies and failures from the past to help you recall your past experiences you can utilize these questions in the process:
  • What had happened?
  • What did I do wrong?
  • What am I missing?
  • How can I do better in the future?
  • Did I have a good time or not?
  • Was it the right choice to share?
  • Have I done the right thing?

STAGE 2: So What?

The 2nd step of the cycle is all about analyzing the past experiences this stage helps with gaining more meaningful insight of the circumstances in order for you to perform well at this stage here are couple of question which you can use.
  • How did I react upon that situation?
  • How I should have reacted for that matter?
  • What type of conflict resulted in this?
  • How much that situation affected the status quo?
  • Do I still feel the same now?
  • How much the situation impacted the people involved other than me?
  • Was the impact exclusively all negative?

STAGE 3: Now What?

In the 3rd stage of the cycle following the before 2 steps of recalling the past events crucially and analyzing them you propose action which you can execute for better possibilities or to resist making the same mistakes over and over some questions which you can ask yourself in this stage are:
  • What have I learnt from reflecting my experiences?
  • How can I make things better?
  • What should I do now?
  • Which mistake led me to that terrible conclusion?
  • How could I turn away from that?
  • Where should I have most of my focus on this time?
  • If I try new ways I might succeed this time.
In these 3 stages ask your self these question out for each stage, these questions will fill up the process of the cycle, explain the situation initially, follow it up with analyzation which will eventually lead you to conclusion of what to execute and what to avoid for upcoming events.

Also read: All You Need To Know About Kolb Reflective Cycle

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Driscoll Reflection Model also make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model & Rolf et. al model.
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What is the practice of John Driscoll model of 2007?

In the process of reflection, one must consider their personal perception of thoughts and feelings about how did you feel in that specific situation before the next step where you practically examine the situation.

Why use Driscoll’s model of reflection?

Driscoll’s model of reflection helps with reflection of past tragedies, the times when something did not go right this cycle allows an individual to review the experience examine, observe and grow from that.

Is Driscoll’s model of reflection limited?

As much as advantageous and great model of reflection Driscoll’s cycle of reflection is it also does have its own disadvantage of limitation this can help you with the concept of reflection but not in great depth or layered reflections.

Why is Driscoll model of reflection good?

Driscoll model of reflection is good because, it helps a lot with the early stages of reflective cycle because John Driscoll cycle of reflection is known as one of the simplest reflection model, so technically it is best beginners to use this cycle.

What are the 3 questions asked in John Driscoll 2007 model of reflection?

John Driscoll model of reflection consist of 3 main questions without these questions the cycle is vacant and the questions are:

  • What?
  • So What?
  • Now What?
What are the advantages of Driscoll model (2007)?

Driscoll reflective model is very quick with reflective results with just 3 simple steps that goes into the cycle one person gain quick access to the solutions for better future opportunities it is simple and could be ace with no difficulty much recommended for beginners.


All You Need To Know About Kolb Reflective Cycle

Kolb’s Model Of Reflective Cycle:

In 1984 David Kolb published his style of learning from which he developed for himself his own style directory his variation of reflective model has been named as “Experiential Learning” also known as “Kolb Reflective Cycle”.The purpose and to put this reflective model into execution is by things we experience in our practical life then retrospect them observe and verdict the appraise about in 4 distinguished stages.

What Is Kolb’s Cycle Of Learning?

Humans are very fascinating creatures of God their ability to examine and process things through is what sets them apart from other beings their ability to experience expands their cognitive ability over the past few decades and a period of impressive amount of time this phenomenon has been studied and explained by many how a human brains works through form of reflective models and out of the many the most exceptional and influential model was brought by David Kolb which is commonly known as the “Experiential Model” (ELT) in abbreviation form which stands for “Experiential Learning Theory” in 1984.This model has very commonly been used worldwide the concept for this model inclines to presuppositions that individuals ascertain by their actions or from more practically assertive experiences.Direct teaching of information is a one negating way of education pedagogical approach is more affective because now we are in the much firm state of fastidiously choosing ways of teaching education, it does not matter whichever level of educational grade you assist to implementing a pedagogical model into your teaching which helps us to alter our experiences into knowledge is crucially significant to atone student’s progress.

How Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle Is Beneficial?

Experiential learning has been conducive for individuals in the process of intaking information through means of real life experience reflections aside from educational learning Kolb’s reflective model has proven to be significant in terms of jobs or internships for conventional programs and development professionals but under the circumstances of constant development in technology gadgets and advances in communicational techs and (MOOCs) Massive Open Online Courses advent higher education system intends to go for more “Experiential Learning Techniques” competency based degrees are one good example of today’s world where students have to drive competence from real world experiences.

Also read: Critical Analysis Of A Research paper

What is the difference between Experiential, Conventional & Didactic Learning?

Kolb Learning Cycle of 1984 is used fundamentally as one of the most useful learning styles of intaking new knowledge. Kolb’s reflective model concentrates on practitioners personal ascending stature in terms of self-growth and expanding point of views which is different from conventional and didactic learning in this type of learning process an individual is responsible for mandating his learning process Kolb’s reflective model is used in a leaden manner in academics by students because it allows students to apply their knowledge in real life circumstances practically.Active Participation, Critical Thinking, Generating Avant Garde ideas, coming up with solutions for problems, contributing with life on personal scale and Communication Skills are all encouraged in Experiential Learning.Whereas conventional and didactic methods are consisted of lectures, textbooks, homework and assignment these methods are incredible with the teaching of facts and clearing up the concepts but not necessarily how to apply them in real time in practical situations.Both of these methods are good and essentially significant in their own ways for distinguished purposes and also perform well in different styles of teaching there is no contradiction that experiential learning is superlative when it comes to retaining new information into student’s knowledge.

Also read: How, Why, When, and Who Invented Homework?

How Kolb’s Learning Cycle Is Helpful To Students?

In order for you to comprehend How Kolb Reflective Model help students to retain the knowledge and expand it here are few steps to give you an insight of:
  • Familiarization: Students come in alignment with the subject matter through real life practical experiences and reflect them into their learning.
  • Being Cognizant Of: To ascend their stature in educational system students intricate themselves deep into the following aspect.
  • Restoration: Students recall the past retrieve the circumstances already happened.
  • Unification: Students strongly acknowledge the new information and retain it for a long time.
  • Assessing Process: Whether the experience was worth it or not students evaluate about it.
  • Merge: Students add in the new information along with the already existing information.
  • Execution: Students apply the newly learnt didactics to come up with solutions for the problems.
  • Further Wandering: Students do not end it there they continue to hunt for new knowledge.

Kolb Reflective Cycle is interesting right?

Contact us now and get your assignments & projects according to kolb’s cycle!

What Is The Purpose Of Kolb’s Reflective Model?

David Kolb who came up with the model of Kolb’s reflective model of experiential learning in 1984 delivers the speculation of individuality among human beings each of them having different learning of styles depending upon their personal experiences of life encompassment genetics ambiance and the idea of past, present & future. In Kolb’s perspective a person goes through swiveled intricacies of life choices, worries and experiences which ends up in final settlement & analyzation of the experiences.

These reflections are then brought up into alignment with past knowledge and then given a new meaning into theories or abstract ideas which leads to implying actions in such ways that are completely different from the ones in the past which makes them settle to the experience that can be explored and tested.

His model of Kolb Reflective Cycle is pedagogical approach which he used at Stanford University to bring new information into his student’s knowledge through which he did accomplish his aim of self-directed study because he wanted his students to be their own problem solvers.

Also read: Emotive Language : Explanation, Uses, & Examples!

Image showing all the four steps of kolb reflective cycle | Pro UK Writings

4 Stages Of Kolb Reflective Cycle

Reflective cycle of David Kolb consists of 4 stages basically it is a 4-stage learning process in which an individual touches roots of all four crucial steps that goes into the model i.e. concreate learningreflective observationabstract conceptualization and active experimentation these are the 4 key stages of the model but what exactly are they? Let’s dive in and find out.


On everyday basis how a person interacts with others and display their involvement with others get examined because one person is constantly feeling and experiencing something in the ambience consciously and physically which makes them understand to systematically reflect which makes them to be comprehensive of new skill approach or improve their existing skills which they are in status quo practicing being in this stage make a note out of a particular situation with interpretation of what you had experienced with this specific situation.


Seeing one situation from many different points of view open doors to endless opportunities and this is precisely what one does at this stage they comprehend the situation and ideas from many different perspectives the learner gets a new perspective of the same situation out of making verdict about it but make sure to not essentially execute any act learners write down their narration based off of their feelings and musings.


 The main objective of reflection in models is to shine light to new ideas creatively or to modify an old abstract through logical approach, ideas and theories instead of utilizing personal feelings, dilemmas or experience abstract conceptualization of Kolb model is more of a practically logical approach to have an insight of the circumstances where systematic planning and building practical solutions for situations are also helpful in this process.


At this stage the learners execute the newly made or modified concepts into experimentation at active stage active learners experience new aspects by experiments with different situations at this stage the practical approach is exalted which is different from analysis individual apply their ideas and put them out into the world to examine which consequences take place.

These are the 4 key stages of David Kolbd model of reflection.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about David Kolb’s model of reflection make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model & Rolf et. al model.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What is Kolb reflective model?

Kolb’s reflective model is a model of reflection established by David Kolb in 1984 exclusively been designed to assist individuals in inclusive fields as it allows them to reflect their experiences and be creative for future possibilities.

What are the 4 stages of Kolb’s reflective cycle?

Here are the 4 stages of Kolb’s Reflective Cycle

  • (CE) stands for Concrete Experience
  • (RO) stands for Reflective Observation
  • (AC) stands for Abstract Conceptualization
  • (AE) stands for Active Experimentation
What is the benefit of Kolb’s reflective model?

Kolb’s model of self-reflection is advantageous for self-atonement and growth this is the main objective that had been kept in mind while creating this model.

What is the Kolb reflective model based on?

Johne Dewey’s claim that “learning must be grounded in experience” was the inspiration behind David Kolb’s intention of coming up with an effective way of learning new information in which he did reach for success because his model is among the best ones.

What are the cons of Kolb reflective model?

If the process is not done with meticulousness and right procedure then it may lead to false conclusions for the situation or problems in practical life or inappropriate solutions for the situations in academics.

Can you explain the 2 dimensions of Kolb’s model?

The 2 dimensions that goes into the Kolb model of reflection are comprehension and process these 2 steps have been bifurcated into 2 categories of each like:

  • How a person comprehends the information the understanding of their experiences have been classified into the 2 stages of the model concreate experience and abstract conceptualization.
  • This is the second stage of the dimension where the process takes place in order to process active information this dimension has been divided into other 2 stages of the model reflective observation and active experimentation.

Critical Analysis Of A Research paper

Critical Analysis Of Research Paper

If by reading the name of the title you are getting the idea that critical analysis of research paper means reading through a piece of writing and pointing all of the mistakes that were made in the writing process then you are wrong the purpose for this type of analysis means to understand the text and engage yourself with it lets understand the motive for how to critique a research paper in great detail.

What Is A Critical Analysis Paper?

A critical analysis of a research paper is a process of scrutinizing a piece of writing crafted by someone and verdict about, this procedure of evaluation can be implemented in books, essay, article, assignments and blogs. This a 2 Step process:

Step 1: Reading the content meticulously and going through all aspects.

Step 2: Thoughtfully analyze the entire information and look for all details under harsh microscope that went into the project.

Well critical analysis is nothing like proofreading in proofreading you correct all of the grammatical and punctuational mistakes while in critical analysis you read an author’s work with great interest and then giving out your point of view in regards of how well the author has succeeded or failed to accomplish their purpose.

Critical analysis is predominantly utilized in academics for student projects like Dissertations, Assignments, Essays, Coursework, Homework but mastering the critical analysis skills are extremely conducive outside the academics.

How To Write Critical Analysis Essay?

Do you want to have a successful critical analysis essay in hands? then you must read through the entire process of how you can write an excellent critical analysis essay without wasting any much time let’s begin from the start.

In case you have been given a task of reading a novel from your literature class and write critical analysis essay about it then you would have to examine the characters, the plot, the tragedies, themes, story line and pattern of the book in general the whole aesthetic of the novel must be scrutinized. Similarly, if you are writing a critical analysis essay with more scientific approach you would have to analyze methodology, conclusion, scientific facts, experiments and results.

The main factor that goes into writing a critical analysis is to keep the mind candor to the subject matter and involve yourself into willingness of connecting with the project on deeper scale by doing it so you technically get better insights of the topic and subject matter in order to ace critical analysis essay keep on reading more.

Examples Of Critical Analysis Paper

Examining your speculations before incepting writing could be beneficial and also helps to shorten the amount of time that one person invests working on critical analysis essay having a plan before execution results in having a good quality critical analysis assignment or critical analysis essay.

If your teacher, professor or instructor has given you sample essay or outline try to initially refer to the sample, the following are the essay critical analysis examples.

  • Background Information
  • Thesis
  • Summary
  • Critical analysis
  • Conclusion

This is a sample of how you should structure your critical analysis of research paper but how are you supposed to use this structure into writing one?

  1. Background Information

    In the very first paragraph of your essay try to include background information about the piece of writing you are crafting critical analysis essay about try to add in the text information about the writing material you are analyzing and add in the piece of title, the name of author and details in regards of when and where it was published.

    “Do not go gentle into that good night” is a poem written by a Welsh poet Dylan Thomas it also known as one of his best works the poem was first published in the journal Botteghe Oscure in 1951 the poem was actually written back in 1947. When Thomas was on visit with his family to Florence.
  2. Thesis

    Post giving the background information write you thesis. The thesis should exclusively be your true insight of the work which message or purpose you got out of reading the authors work when reader reads your thesis he or she also get rest of the idea about what to expect from your critical review of research paper make sure to keep in mind the points you make in your critique comes in alignment with your thesis.

    Dickenson conveyed the message of to not shy away from the bitter truth of forever goodbye from this world with willing resignation but rather one should fight for life till the very last breathe because it is the most beautiful gift. The author believed “burn and rave” is the right way to do it.
  3. Summary

    Summary is the next step in the process where you summarize the entire work which you have analyzed do not get the idea that reader is also very well cognizant of the work summary should be wrote in such a way where it gives reader the impression that you understood everything that went into the writing but be sure of one thing to not state the debatable arguments which you will state later in the essay.

    In the first stanza of the poem the author was trying to motivate his father to not end it with a gentle forever good bye but instead he wanted his father to “Rage against the dying of the light” the “Do not” is a command instead petition he was commanding his father to resist the death instead of asking him gently “close of the day” and “dying of the light” are both metaphors used here for death.
  4. Critical Analysis

    After writing summary next paragraph will be about the pain objective of the process the critical analysis stage it should be focused more onto supporting the thesis, here you will interpret the areas you have taken notes about when you were reading while critical analysis is all about sharing your respective point of view about the topic there should also be reliable source evidence added into it adding textual evidence to support the claims is fundamental also make sure to explain your reasoning.

    Do not go gentle into that good night”  the first line of the first  stanza of the poem gives out an evident meaning of how the writer thinks that his father’s life is way too valuable to be simply said goodbye to “Old age should burn and rave at close of the day” he understands that his father has come of an age where it is time to leave but he doesn’t want it to be a reason and yet want him to fight “rage, rage against the day of light” is a metaphor he used to explain how ending to life seems to be like “sun going down after a beautiful bright sunny day”, “flowers blooming in spring and withering away in autumn” and “blowing off a candle making it all dark after beautiful warm light”. In the first line of the second stanza “Though wise men at their end know dark is right” he describes that people of age are not petrified with the idea of departure because they are wise enough to understand nobody can go on forever and in juxtaposition to younger people who have so much of their life ahead of them still yet to live, older ones have lived enough to come in terms with this universal truth.
  5. Conclusion

    The last step of the process conclusion is where you make close remarks to end up your essay plus on the top of that you recall your thesis statements to remind the readers try to not do excessive summarization of your critical analyzation unnecessarily unless the essay is too long.

    In poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” Dylan Thomas clearly displays the perspective of how he feels about his dying father his superlative use of metaphors beautifully explains the concept of death and how he thinks one should not just accept it without a fight his poem is simple precise assertive.

Which Language Should Critical Analysis Be Written In?

Critical analysis paper writing is in the academic form which means it should be as formal as possible and try to avoid utilizing:

  • Slang words or sentences
  • Contractions (shortening a word ex: Mister “Mr” or combining two different words like: “do not” “don’t”).
  • First person pronouns like “I, me, we.”

Also avoid using phrases like “I think” or “in my opinion” because the readers already have gotten the point that this analysis has already been written from your perspective.

Tips To Write A Flawless Critical Analysis Research Paper

  • Carefully read through all of the material with interest and great attention to have deeper understanding of the concept.
  • While reading the material take notes of the important point
  • Try to outline your essay it will save you excessive time you do not necessarily have to stick to one outline you can later it along with the writing process but do it
  • Invest major amount of time writing an exceptional thesis and critical analysis because out of all the steps in the procedure these 2 stages are the most crucial ones the background information and introduction is important as well but weak thesis and critical analysis could not be compensated with these.
  • Try to write it intermittently not all in one go, give yourself break of plenty of time to differentiate between each paragraph that way it will also give you time to figure out additional improvements.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about critical analysis of research paper, make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework Invention & Rolf et. al model.

Analysis Of Research Paper is interesting right?

Want critical analysis of a research paper? Click below!
For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about critical analysis of research paper, make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework Invention & Rolf et. al model.
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

Can I do Dissertation Critical Analysis?

Yes, you can critical analysis for the most part is used in academics, you can try this procedure for your dissertation writing it will also help you to understand your dissertation better.

What is The Point of Critical Analysis?

The main purpose of critical analysis is to present authors thesis, argument and point of view in your own perspective apart from academics one can make a great profession out of it.

How Does Analysis Help Critical Thinking?

Because you crucially examine the musings that have went into the writing paper it helps to elevate ideas of your own use them with your own perspective about the same or other projects in general it results in making you more creative.

How Can I Improve my Analysis Skills?

Try to rea a piece of writing over and over again and search for new mistakes in same paragraph try to come up with solution of your own for problems expand your skills with writing and for better results seek out professional’s help.

What Makes a Good Analysis?

A good analysis has all points clear of one project has evidence and is contextualized and briefly describes each phase of writing “why did you choose this topic,” “what does it represents?” and “what message is here?”

What are the 4 types of critical analysis research paper?

The first four steps of critical analysis are background information, thesis, summary and critical analysis itself all of these steps are important for writing a good quality paper.

Problems Faced By Students While Writing An Essay:

In the process of essay writings many obstacles get in the way of students like:

  • They cannot manage their time simultaneously with academics and personal life it gets hard for them.
  • Not all students are creative enough to write an essay that is completely different from others.
  • Research skills play the key step in coming with an essay that is pleasing to teachers because accuracy matters the most but unfortunately this factor needs practice and one should be well known of reliable sources.
  • Excessive academic tasks could play havoc with student’s mental wellness.

Emotive Language : Explanation, Uses, & Examples!

What Is Emotive Language?

If you have not got a clue about what is the emotive language meaning? Then let us give you the definition of this term “emotive” word means arousal or to arouse intense feelings while language on the other hand is each countries way of communication so “emotive language” technically means to use such words or sentences that bring out the intense feelings of the reader or listener because words are the most impactful way of leaving your impression onto someone or giving them an insight of your point of view.

How Can We Use Emotive Language?

Well, now that we have our answer to this question what emotive language is let’s take a deep dive into how writers and novelist use this language. Writers in a leaden manner try to utilize emotive language for dramatic situations in story telling process because it helps to make the scenarios more assertive and impactful which results into listener or reader inclining towards the story more.
Emotive language plays significant key role to make the reader or listener understand what emotions the character might be feeling at which phase of the story it makes stories more engaging.

Another great use of emotive language is in the persuasive writing if you do not know in case what persuasive writing is then let us tell you the persuasive writing is where the writer persuades the audience and try to make them comprehend the narrative of the story from their perspective this might execute in the form of essays, articles, dialogues, blogs, and pieces of opinions, using emotive language in persuasive writing is a great way of involving the reader into the concept of story.
When characters piteous emotions are projected on the display like misery, compassion or need for help they are more likely to be more invested in the story. Emotive language is a great way to deliver your message and affiliate with readers on personal level and to make them see your side of the world.

Language For Behavior & Emotions

Emotive language consists of elicit words or phrases that trigger readers or listeners emotions such example of emotive words is moved to tears, heartwarming, perseverance, magical, appalling, tragic, pride and such words like these that are poignant, unaffectionate and assertive are used in emotive language.
Use of any impactful word in a conversation that leaves content or forlorn perception in readers or listener’s mind is counted as one. Here are few examples of how you can use emotive language:
“She was driving a car”

This sentence is not emotive because it does not trigger emotions:
“You should drive carefully”

This sentence is emotive because it shows genuine concern for the sake of well-being.

How Is Emotive Language Useful?

If you want to build a successful career as a novelist or in literacy then acing the emotive language is highly significant for you because emotive language can be really useful if you want to touch the audience on deeper level and take them on roller coaster journey of emotional ride with you because the purpose of emotive language is to coax the reader or listener into seeing the narrative from writer’s perspective.


Now that we are well known of the definition for emotive language and what’s emotive language lets have a look at emotive language examples to bring this into practice and master how to use it by examining some great examples

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day Of Infamy” speech (1941)

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s day of infamy speech in 1941 is a very good example to understand the impact of emotive language usage in speeches articles or blogs and stuff. His famous line “A date which will live in infamy” actually displays the negative connotation felt by the speaker which also gives perception of shock and scandalous feelings felt by the American civilization regarding the attack

He had also emphasized the disloyalty with such words as:

Sudden: Something that takes place unexpectedly.

Deliberate: Calculated, intentionally, on purpose.

Unprovoked: Something that happens without justification.

Dastardly: Diabolical, crucial, evil.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Inaugural Address (1961)

John F. Kennedy phrase “My fellow Americans” has been utilized by politicians before and after Kennedys time to bring the politicians closer. Kennedy had used this statement number of times in his speech the reach out to the emotions of the audience. His very famous line “My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” Is massive example of emotive language because it shows altruism, patriotic love and civil duty for the country.  “Pay any price” and “bear any burden” were the statements also used in his speech to invoke determination and commitment cause liberty among Americans some of the most assertive words used by Kennedy in his speech to evoke the American Civilization of that time were:

  • “Bondage of mass misery”
  • “Free society”
  • “My fellow citizens of the world”
  • “Eternal vigilance”

 The emotive language John Fitzgerald Kennedy used in his Inaugural Address (1961) was strategic enough to aim for his goals and strived and then achieve.

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin (1813)

 Emotive language is significant for literacy because when a novel is packed with such intense emotional concepts of love, complexity and confusion jane Austin use of emotive language in Pride and Prejudice (1813) was to deliver:

  • Character’s feelings,
  • Societal expectations,
  • Complexities of romantic relationships.

In the novel when Mister Darcy proposes to Elizebeth his speech was filled with emotive language as he confesses his love but his terms were loaded with negative connotations which eventually led to a rejection by Elizebeth.
These are some of the great examples of emotive language used in history by great personalities to aim at emotions.

Why does the tone matter in emotive language?

When using emotive language in conversation , speeches articles blog or in drama writing make sure that you use the language with appropriate tone and perspectives that are evident to the  listener of reader for example “you will lose the race” is a negative statement and could trigger self-doubt within listener while on the other hand “if you do not practice enough you might end up losing the race” is suggestive statement that is counseling the listener into taking advice for the possible Achilles Heel.


Emotive language (KS2) stands for key stage 2 this language is used widely among individuals who are mature but traditionally it is a tempting idea to plant learning of this idea into primary education among young pupils to understand the conceptional use of poignant words is recognized as emotive language ks2.
For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Emotive Language of reflection make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework invention, & Rolf et. al model.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What’s emotive language?

Any word or phrase that bound the reader or listener on personal level of emotions is considered as emotive language such examples are “I hope you will be fine soon,” “are you Okay?” “I want to you be okay and I’m here for you.” or use of eliciting words in conversation like happy, sad, angry and joyful.

Who uses emotive language?

Predominantly emotive language is used by writers and novelists because it leads them a way of keeping the readers engaged with their stories emotive writing is very substantial when it comes to aiming at your audience emotions.

What are the 18 emotive words?

Relief (noun), Atrocious (adj), Depressed (adj), Sorrowful (noun), Joy (noun), Downhearted (adj), Elated (elated), Rapacious (adj), Ferocious (adj), Magical (adj), Capricious (adj), Epiphany (noun), Energetic (adj), Compassion (adj), Crying (noun), Conceited (adj), Love (noun), Affection (noun).

What is emotive language also known as?

Emotive language is also known by other name of loaded terms which you may find on several sources referring to this concept with this name.

How do you use emotive words in sentence?

Her ability to come up with the right solution for every problem is commendable, he looks pretty happy, he is ferocious when it comes to lying, she is not really that sad about it, he is a joyful boy he knows how to revel life.

How do I write emotively?

First examine your perspective about the topic meticulously then pace the pen on paper it is very essential to be clear about your own feelings first before putting them out in the world.