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Importance of Secondary Research | Methods & Examples

Importance of Secondary Research | Methods & Examples

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Secondary Research Methods

Secondary Research

Here is your complete guide to how you can accumulate didactic information from reliable existing sources.

Difference Between Primary and Secondary Research

Whenever it comes research. Students tend to opt out for different methods of research. Which they can imply into their process of writing an excellent project for their topic. In the world of research methods. Where, there are so many methods that you can implement in your study.

The two very different but main type of research methods are primary research and secondary research. While primary research is a method of incorporating. Information and sources along the lines of new data straight up from different individuals and trusted sources.

Secondary research is all about analyzing. The existing data under a very harsh microscope. Which has been collected by someone else. Since, the topic for this blog is secondary research the main focus is going to be the secondary research.

But if you are intrigued to further acknowledge the aspects of primary research. We will recommend you to check out our primary research blog.

Also Read: Primary Research | Methods, Advantages, Disadvantages, & Steps

What is The Definition of Secondary Research?

The method of utilizing and analyzing already existing data. Which has been collected by someone else. Is what is called secondary research. If you think this is taking credits for someone else’s work. This shouldn’t be legal or how is it possible for it to be permissible? Before you get any misapprehension for any of these major concerns. We would like to address your disbeliefs.

When you opt out for doing secondary research for your project. You are technically choosing to collate, conclude and enhance. The already done research by someone with further modifications and addition of your own insight in regards of the topic.

This is the main advantage of doing secondary research. Because when you are contributing your skill set, intellect and insight on already existent data. You are saving yourself a bunch of time. Along the lines of gaining new insights and exploring the new information in depth.

Most fundamental major aspect of doing secondary research. Is that it is important to be meticulous in your approach to collect data from sources that already exist. Because you must make sure that data you collecting for your research falls in relevancy of your topic.

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What are The Trusted Sources for Getting Secondary Research Data?

On the internet you can find plenty of sources for collecting secondary research. But other than the internet. Where else can you find secondary researched data? Well, there are plenty of reliable sources.

For Example:

  • Research Reports.
  • Documents.
  • Public library Collections.
  • Government Agencies.
  • Company Reports and Research.
  • Educational Institutes.
  • Media Stories in Newspapers.
  • Academics.
  • Textbooks.
  • Reviews and Critiques of Artwork.
  • Articles.

Why Do Many People Choose Secondary Research Method For Their Projects?

As we have spoken about this in paragraph above. Secondary research is a very convenient source of research data. For number reasons like:

  • It saves you a bunch of time.
  • You get a better idea of which direction you have to rave up your car to.
  • For your own personal academic growth. It is indeed very beneficial.

But on top of any of these perks that you get out of secondary research. The very prime reason is that secondary research in comparison to primary research is actually cost effective. It can easily be afforded by students. Who are handed over projects to craft but do not have financial independency yet. For Primary Research the data is usually collected by. (Business, institutes, organizations, survey methodology and so many other sources). Nonetheless, they cost a price to it. While secondary research does not.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research

Everything has its pros and cons and so does when it comes to secondary research. The there are also some pros and cons to them. Each of which are mentioned below:


  • A great number of information is easily accessible and available in secondary research method.
  • It does not require great time investment. An individual is performing secondary research.
  • This method can easily be afforded by anyone out of the particular reason or it being very cost effective.
  • The secondary research is free of cost while primary research has charges to them. When secondary research is brought not display. Hence, it can give organization and institutes a subtle idea of its effectiveness and absurd cost to collecting primary information.
  • Plenty of secondary data is available on major sources which is why it is easier to have an access to.


  • Even though there is plenty of data available for secondary research. It is important to consider credibility authenticity in order to assure yourself that the information you are collecting is from a trusted source.
  • Most of the times it happens when sources do not keep up to date with their information. Which is why most of the information on these platforms can be old and not fresh. Even when the data could be accurate and somewhat helpful. It may be not from most recent timeline. Or from the events that took place in recent years, months or weeks.
  • The conclusion that is written in secondary research is derive from primary research. So, when you are opt out for secondary research method you may still need to have some what of primary data collected to derive its conclusion from. Because the quality of your secondary research data depends to an extend of primary researched data quality.

Secondary Research With Methods And Examples

Who wouldn’t like to work with project with the type of research. That could be afforded easily by students. Secondary research is performed in a leaden manner by many organization institutes. And students for their academic projects. For plenty of reasons, you wouldn’t wonder. If we tell you that secondary research is also termed as desk research. Because through secondary research you get an easy access to information while sitting behind the desk. Here we have secondary research methods and secondary research examples. That you will find helpful for your research:

There is Plenty of data on the internet for you

In the realm of today’s digital world. The internet is ruling like no less than a king. Having the access to every kind of knowledge with couple of few clicks. Has made things so much easier for everyone to benefit themselves from. When it comes to collecting secondary research. Internet tops the list because. It is one of the major reliable sources of getting information. And that too free of cost.

Government and Non-Government Agencies

Collecting data from government and non-government agencies. Are also a major source of getting secondary research sources. Some small business development centers and UK agencies like UK government printing offices. Can be a source of secondary research.

Libraries Are Not Just for Passing Your Time

Silence! Read quiet! Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Yeah, you guessed it right we are talking about libraries while most go there to spend a quality time. some go there for their academic tasks to do. Speaking of which having an access to number of books in one place. Secondary research is easy for you.

Educational Institutes Are a Good Idea to Get Information From

Most individuals tend to avoid looking for secondary sources for research in universities and colleges. But truth be told. The educational institutes are far more reliable for accumulating secondary research than organizations and other business sources.

Information Can Also Be Fetched From Commercials

Plenty of information can be obtained through. (Local newspaper, journals, magazines, radio, market research, statistics and other trustworthy sources). These are very trusted in terms of getting secondary research sources. Information advertised I commercials comes very handful when doing research. Because the data that could be derive from them is often relevant to the research question.

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If we speak of conclusion by the end of this topic. Then we have examined in our blog how much significance secondary research holds for research question or any topic. It saves times, doesn’t have charges to them. And burgeons one person’s own stature of knowledge. Even though it does have cons to it as well. But it’s nothing of much big deal and couldn’t be compensated easily. It is still a lot more helpful to conduct your research in places where primary research is not applicable of. Which is why secondary research is chosen by many.

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sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What is an Example is Secondary Research?

Secondary research can take many forms and comes in a good amount of quality number. How ever if we are to give couple of good, examples of secondary research. Then they would be statistical analysis, literature reviews, case studies and informative commercials.

How is Secondary Research Conducted?

Secondary research is conducted through checking the relevancy of sources that you are conducting your research from. If it falls under your research question or topic. The secondary research involves a process of compiling several data that already exists. Which was stockpiled from variety pf different sources.

Why Secondary Research is Better Than Primary Research?

Secondary research is easily accessible through various different platforms. You can have an easy access to secondary sources than primary sources which are accumulated through interviews and individual experiences also secondary research is better for students and much suitable because this research method is free of cost and doesn’t charge anything. While contrary to this primary research has charges to them.

What is The Purpose of Secondary Research?

The purpose of secondary research is to deeply analyze the already existing information about research question. With additional insights of your own perspective about the topic. It sorts of modifies the knowledge which was already collected by someone else. It is less time consuming and results which derive from it are incredible.

What is The Difference Between Primary Research And Secondary Research?

The name for these two types speaks, for themselves primary research is a firsthand original data which was originated by author themselves. While secondary research data is collected by someone else which you would analyze do further research of and give an interpretation from your end.

Can I Ask For my Topic Customization Through Secondary Research?

Yes, at Pro UK Writings we have an incredible team of academic writers and researchers who do everything they can to provide the best academic writing service possible. If you want your project crafted through secondary research. Then provide us all of the accurate information that would be required in your project.

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