
What is a Discursive Essay? | Topics, Planning, & Example!

Discursive Essay Writing

Here is your complete in-depth guide to. How you can write an exceptional discursive essay writing follow the steps below.

Initial Step Before Beginning The Writing Process

Best thing which you can do. Before beginning with your writing or any work in general. Is to have precise knowledge about the topic. So that you could have an insight of what goes into the writing. So, before we make you ace the writing prowess for discursive essay. Let us tell you a little bit about it.

What is a Discursive Essay?

A discursive essay is one essay type among the other types of essays. It is different from other types of essays. Because in order for you to write a discursive essay on one topic. You would have to go back to the other types of essays. 
The four main types of essays, which are:

  • The Argumentative essay
  • The descriptive essay
  • The narrative essay
  • And lastly the discursive essay itself of course.

We have to interact with these 4 types of essays. In order to come up with the writing of discursive essay. Because this method helps us to comprehend the concept of discursive essay much better. If you need a better understanding of this make sure you check out other its type too.

But foremost let’s have entire focus on discursive essay and understand. What is it? A discursive essay helps to represent any topic in the most balanced way possible. It emphasizes all sides of the arguments and it gives reader evidence. Which is objective on premises of a particular topic. It omits the impartiality in topic because students write it in impersonal style.

So, in discursive writing of essay one thing to keep in mind. Is to assure the fact that you do not just provide justification to one perspective of the argument. But instead you carry out all of the sides and emphasize all corners of such debate.

On the top of that, keep in mind. To not include your own personal opinions about the particular topic out of the context. Because if you start to argue for one point then there will be no meaning to discursive essay. But instead it’ll change to argumentative essay. Which is different and should not happen. Because most people often mistake it for argumentative essay out of the particular reason for it being similar to that.

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Discursive Essay in Comparison to Other Essay Types

If you want to write a topic in discursive essay. Then there will be certain requirements to resonate it with other types of essays. But that does not necessarily resemble this specific type of essay to other types. It still difference lets understand the difference between discursive essay type and other essay types.

Descriptive Essay

This is the first type of essay students write. Descriptive essay serve the purpose of to stow an imaginary idea of writing into brain. It mostly happens because of the descriptive language. Because often you might have noticed. When you go in depth of the certain situation and interpret it. In front of anyone you start to visually recall the event in your mind. It also helps with becoming technically practical because a majority of adverbs, juxtapositions, and sensory of speech goes into it.

While on the other hand if we talk about discursive essay. Then it states the cold hard, stone rock real hard facts. The writing for discursive essay is stoic. Which sets it apart from descriptive essay. Because both of these are parallel to each other while descriptive essay writing is floral printed wallpaper discursive essay is harsh sun with blazing rays.

Narrative Essay

Narrative essays are helpful for story telling. If you want to narrate a story then narrative essays are for you but they are casually written in informal language along with incorporating certain attributes of descriptive writing. This is actually the most enticing type of essay writing. Because it engages the reader in depth stories are the most captivating way of getting someone to burgeon their love for reading the stories in narrative essays could be fiction and non-fiction. The most famous narrative writings are usually fictional for ex: Cinderella, snow white, goldilocks and the three bear and so many other famous stories as well.

Stories are one great way of captivating the reader’s attention because they draw in the attention of an individual exclusively but if you are doing discursive writing the narrative writing doesn’t quiet compliment it that well. Because discursive essays shine light upon facts and that should be the main priority in discursive writing present facts with examples and evidences do not concentrate a bit on telling a story because you are not doing narrative writing and focusing on story telling will make you to lose focus on presenting facts.

Argumentative Essays

You know when there are couple of siblings and out of them the older ones are usually the bossy and the ones with most control well, argumentative essays are what they are to discursive essays because technically these two fall into the same category and possess same qualities of stating facts and rationalities in topic wit examples and are pretty much similar to each other except for one matter that argumentative essay views one side of the argument in topic it might bring facts into acknowledgement and shine a light on them but it also provides couple of few reason for one side of the argument for why this side of the argument is better.

At its best argumentative essays persuade the reader into believing one side of the story that why this side is better and why it should matter without bringing other parts into consideration while contrary to this discursive essay shines light and emphasizes all sides of the argument and is not necessarily biased because it justifies all parts of the debate an argumentative essay can make audience to pick a side while discursive writing justifies all corners of debate.

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How To Write a Discursive Essay?

Now that you’ve been provided with information and differences on premises of what is discursive essay writing lets delve deep into how can you write an exceptional piece of writing with discursive writing. Initially, you do not have to be a professional essay writer with years of experience to write discursive essay you can incept it as a beginner and still rock at it you just only need to be cognizant of the basics.

If you know how to express your thoughts logically in and are pretty much pro efficient at writing English trust us you are already there to crafting an amazing piece of essay writing.

Do In Depth Research For Topic About Discursive Essay

Before you jump into the writing process of the topic make sure you know very well what you are writing about because there is no point in crafting a paper that does not aligns with the topic and is muddle you can write the perfect discursive essay by doing a good research process which is the right way to get an insight of the topic.

Pick a Topic That Presents Covers all Points of The Essay Writing

You don’t have to be overzealous about the subject you are composing but make sure you present good points and good facts about the topic so pick a topic which will allow you to do that, below we have enlisted couple of few topics from where you can draw ideas from about what topic to pick for discursive essay writing.

Discursive Essay Topics

  • Is social media better than everyday practical interaction with people?
  • Should children use cell phones?
  • Do violent TV shows leave a negative impact on children?
  • Should kids argue with elders?
  • Is it okay to have pets at home? Is it true pets bring diseases to house?

Tips: Controversial topics are best topics to write discursive essays about because it gives your teacher a gist of the fact you can be objective and rational in such cases of sensitive topics.

An Extensive Research on Topic

Once you have chosen the topic for your discursive writing it is time for you to inspect all angle of the topic with old faithful questions which you know your teacher per audience would come up with which are the discursive essay questions are:

Who?, What?, Why?, Where?, When?, & How?

As you inspect your topic with these questions also make sure you come up with answers to them as well and make sure you come up with answers from all perspectives for the topic.

Also Read: Persuasive Essay Topics You Should Know!

Plan Your Paper First Before Introduction

It is important to initially plan your essay and also avoid hastening the process. Before you write introduction research is an imperative part of essay writing. But you wouldn’t be able to write a coherent essay unless you plan it first.

Structure is Important Pay Attention To It

Here are some key points that goes into perfectly structuring your essay:

  • Separation of paragraphs.
  • The introduction paragraph should be precise and most well formulated.
  • The sophomore paragraph should shine a light on things you describe through points you will make further in your essay.
  • The body paragraph must be used to come up with compelling arguments.
  • One idea must be written in one paragraph do not propose 2-3 different speculations in single paragraph.
  • As you reach the end of essay writing make sure to wrap everything up with a nice conclusion.
discursive essay structure from Pro UK Writings

Discursive Essay Example

Here is an example of discursive essay:

The role of social media in today’s world


If there is one thing which has changed the world today from the decades prior is definitely the social media and rapid increment in technology gadgets and children early access to the technology but it doesn’t seem to be add for parents to let their children have social media presence at young ages which is something should be bring in consideration and discussed prevalently even though times have changed on a major scale children mental state are still fragile and shouldn’t be exposed to this much worldly stuff while cell phones and technology in general has their own negative side effects.

Argument and Evidence

It has been proven by multiple sources a numerous amount of time that too much screen time results in screen addiction which causes to have poor eye sight along symptoms of mental health problems. A mobile phone also comes with plenty of perks like having access to knowledge in seconds and most children have also been performing excellent in their academics.

Because of studying online but too much screen time and constantly being on phone is also taking a huge toll on young children. But not only children also adults.  Seems to be a bit too much affectionate with the idea of social media while piracy seems to be on lose these days anyone can hack into your social media account and pretend to be you which is why it is important to have great social media security on all of your accounts which is understandable to adults but for kids they won’t know much.


Fairly enough it is appropriate to say. It is indeed very wrong for parents to give their children access to these modern gadgets with or without restrictions a child must play outside. Which results in good health of children. Through physical activity while contrary to this laying all day and night. Inside house using cell phones only results in poor physical and mental health.

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Core Concepts –  Discursive Essay

To understand the topic well through study it is important to take your time. Helps to learn the differences between discursive essay writing and other types of essay writing. Before going all in with the writing procedure. Make sure you take a nice look at all of the vital steps that goes into it. Keep it in mind to highlight all points of the argument and do not justify just one side of the debate if you do it so that way it will alter it into argumentative essay which should be set apart from discursive essay.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about discursive essay, also make sure to also read Driscoll Model, Research Onion and Law Personal Statement.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What are examples of discursive writing?

The discursive essay is a genre of writing that helps when you want to investigate a topic you will find such great examples of discursive writing when you would have a look at the newspaper articles literally any piece of writing where information is gathered from different sources and is equally shined a light upon all aspects.

How many attempts will get me a nice written discursive essay?

There is no specific number to which attempt number will get you a perfectly nice written discursive essay writing but yes practice is great before you jump in with legit writing practice a couple of few times on paper and read it over and over again to spot any mistakes made in the writing process then make atonements for those mistakes when you actually begins the writing process.

What is the difference between argumentative essay and discursive essay?

Discursive essay resembles an argumentative essay writing a lot because of the similarities which they share but you can identify the discursive essay by acknowledging if the piece of writing has covered all aspects of the arguments and has given light to all aspects of the topic while argumentative essay only justifies one perspective of the debate.

How do you identify discursive writing?

Argumentative writing is for the purpose of to have the targeted audience looking upon a situation from one particular point of view while on the other hand discursive writing is objective it does not persuade a reader into seeing only one perspective of the topic.

How do I discursive essay?

Discursive essay should be written with precise knowledge about the topic it is always a wise decision to dive in depth research of the topic you are writing about once you do it then start writing it off with crafting an introduction that justifies what one will be reading in essay.

What is a good discursive essay?

A good discursive essay equally represents all sides of the argument instead of just focusing on one particular perspective so be sure to write a discursive essay that does not just highlights one point of view and state facts with examples and evidences.


The Perfect Law Personal Statement | Your Complete Guide

Law Personal Statement

Here is your key guidance to all of the steps that will lead you to how you can write a law personal statement.

What is a law personal statement?

Before we even begin with our practice of law personal statement writing. It is much important to understand what is law personal statement? Without any further explanation or side talks. Let’s cut straight to the chase. A law school personal statement is multi-layered paragraph essay or a narrative which is highlighting. All of the reason for why you are pursuing you are J.D degree.

Furthermore, this essay gives you an opportunity to expand and share your identity. With the committee of admission. Therefore, the extensiveness of law personal statements are typically 2-4 pages long. And it is very important when you are tailoring your law personal statement.

First of all, you have to be adamant of the fact that it matches the typical length specified for it. What’s more to it is. Most of the law schools ditch to provide the prompt to students. While some do. Moreover, make sure to check the guidelines before beginning the writing process.

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Why Do Law Schools Ask For Personal Law Applications?

Law schools, casually receive a high volume of applications. In addition to this, as a matter of fact most of the times the recruiters do not contact the applicants for interviews. Until they have check and went through their applications. For that reason, as a result law personal statements. Basically, work as a great substitute for applicant’s interview.

Correspondingly law statements address one applicant’s ability to (communicate and skillset, state of mind creativity and all of the aspects). They need to know about. Law personal statements give the admission committee a very clear insight of why you would be most befitting to be a part of law school.

If you have been wanting to know “how can I become a great lawyer in the future?” “And how can I expand my skill sets?” Law school should be the first step. Likewise, as you cannot directly climb to the top of the mountain without taking baby steps. You cannot become a lawyer without law school experience. And personal law statements are the key to secure yourself a seat at the table.

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For individuals who need assistance with law personal statement, our experts are here for you!

Which Things Are Necessary to Include in a Law Personal Statement?

Although whenever writing a law personal statement. There are couple of aspects crucially important for the application. each of those aspects hold great importance and should not be avoided at any cost writing. Your application should represent that you have brought your interest to life. This is the key to writing a coherent well concise statement. In the meantime, in case you are already studying law. You should mention topics. You have enjoyed so far studying.

Likewise in order to make this more understandable for you. Finally let’s talk about things you should include in your law personal statement. Here we have bullet points for you. These bullet points will execute your engagement with law:

  • A legal dimensional book. Anything about crime or government services.
  • Work experience, any public service job or regular Saturday’s holidays or part time jobs. In general, any work experience.
  • Visits to your nearest employment tribunal, local magistrates court or the nearest crown court.
  • Become a part of any debating club or start your own. If you have the opportunity to conduct personal project.

While writing your law personal statement. Do not just enlist everything in. But try to make things relevant to your experiences. In such a way that reflect upon your personality.

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Which Things Can You Further Do An Addition Of In Your Law Personal Statement?

Here are additional key points to add further in your law personal statement:

Give a Reason of Why You Want to Study Law

It is important and should be the centric approach of your law statement. Why you choose to study law? Logically, you can actually make it reasonable and more emphasized by focusing on writing aspects that are about particular interest for you. Describe how the law study is relevant to your interest and current study.

How your skills perfectly fit with law study

You should give description of “why you will be the perfect fit for the study?” Demonstrate and highlight your skills from public speaking to writing essays with great attention to details. Each of your skill could be efficient for law personal statement.

Mention how you stay updated with ongoing changes in world

The interview committee of law schools are much likely to find interest in those candidates. Who energetically like to stay updated with ongoing trends. Those candidates are most suitable for enrollment in law school. Who find interest in current ongoing events.

Look out for spelling mistakes

Having punctuation, grammatical or any type error. Could get in a way of accepting the application. Before you submit your statement. Make sure to check all of the mistakes and errors. Your application should coherent and of good quality.

Combination of another subject

As a caveat we would like to tell you. In case you are picking your law study mixed with another subject. Make sure to write something that also make your expertise relevant to that another subject too.

Talk about which insights you have gained from extracurricular activities

Talking about your gained experience from extracurricular activities is another good way of demonstrating your skills and motivation.

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Things You Should Avoid Including In Your Law Personal Statement

  • No success at finding sources for your subjects of interest.
  • Punctuation mistakes, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Missing out the main point of why you are relevant to the program and how your interest and skills makes you suitable for law school.
  • Too many quotation marks can affect the quality of your application negatively. It is an ideal thing to avoid using too many quotation marks.
  • Don’t make your application sound too clich . Since you are writing a law personal assignment. We will suggest you to avoid using the “law” word, “passion,” “dedication” and “skill set”. Such words that can be useful. There should not be an excessive use of them.
law personal statement example from Pro UK Writings

Law Personal Statement Examples

To give you an idea of how you should law statement is supposed to look like. Identical to that. Here we have examples of personal statements for law.

Law Personal Statement Example 1:

I become very fascinated about law study. when I first read the book ‘I’m Nujood, age 10 divorced.’ This is a book about a young juvenile Yemen girl. Who forcibly had to marry an older man. Whom she luckily escaped from and divorced. As I was reading the book. And even after I finished reading it. This very epiphany in my mind made me question about differences in law worldwide. I want to study law so that I could educate myself more about (rules, politics, society and laws of different countries). Law will help me to push myself out of my comfort zone and grasp knowledge. About legal issues, for example: Liability. I’m motivated and open to accepting new challenges and so ready to experience what this field has to offer to me.

Law Personal Statement Example 2:

I’m confident within myself to study law at (X. Y. Z.) university. And with pure dedication I accept all of the challenges that law study has to offer. The reason for why I’m volunteering for law is because. It has always been passion and a dream of mine to serve justice to those who ask for it. I know there are endless possibilities and opportunities waiting for me. In this field and I don’t want to miss out on any of those opportunities.

Law Personal Statement Example 3:

As a student of council member, I have undertaken a student council training course. And I have certainly developed my leadership quality. being a member of 4th form student leadership team. I can proudly state the facts that. I have great leadership quality and possess great communication and collaboration skills. On a daily basis I communicate with other team members. To be sure of the fact that student’s views are represented. Prior to this.
I have also been held accounted to assist year 8 form tutor and her students during the time of form. Aside from expertise, I also like to spend time watching shows and documentaries. One of my favorite documentaries to watch is “Unreported world.’ This documentary shines a light upon ongoing events. Which are taking their place in the world but have very limited media coverage. Barely any, that most of the major events are barely known by anyone. For a part time job, I’m a waitress in a cafeteria which helps me a lot to be a multi tasker. Because I can manage both my study and job simultaneously without any problem.

What We Have Learned For Law Personal Statement?

Law personal statements are the key to getting yourself enrolled into law school. But if you want recruiters from the law school to notice your name. A coherent well written paper is the key as similar to that. Which is why during the writing process. It is important to keep in mind about the things that. You should add in and those aspects you should avoid.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Personal Law Statement, also make sure to also read essay planning, driscoll model of reflection, and primary research.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

How do I write law personal statement for LLB?

Your inspiration for writing a law personal statement for LLB. Should be driven from you. As the name speaks for itself. It is called a personal statement for a reason. Self-reflection is important for writing this application for LLB. Make sure to shine a light on your vision, motivation, how much do you resonate with LLB and why you will perform the best in this faculty.

What is if someone asks me “Why do you choose law as your career in personal statement”?

The answer to this question should be relevant to the field. The legal profession offers dynamic challenges. Which helps an individual to grow form and expand their expertise along with an extension of knowledge. Being a lawyer isn’t just a job but instead a responsibility to serve justice. And only the fair and most responsible ones are the match for this field.

How can I write law personal statement with no experience?

If you have never written a law personal statement before. Then it is much recommended to educated yourself about the topic as much as you can because law personal statements are self-reflection. You will be writing all about where do you see yourself going in this field. It is an important to know about the topic first then secondly about your own self.

How many words is a personal statement?

There a specified recommended length to each document. And so is there an extension line to personal statement as well. Personal statements can be up to 4000 characters long. Don’t freak out yet. These many characters may sound like a lot but actually they are 550 words to 1000 words. Which is a far length for a law personal statement to be.

What are couple of good starting lines for law personal statement?

Here we have couple of few best lines. You can start your law personal statement with;

  • I have always wanted to be…
  • For as long as I can remember….
  • The reason for why I’m choosing to apply for this course is…
  • I always wanted to serve justice to those who seek…
  • My interest for this course is very high I know it will be….
How to end the law personal statement?

It is advised to tie your law personal to what you had written earlier. Mention the key points you have already spoken about in the body of your law statement. In the conclusion they should be emphasized. No new information in the conclusion should be added. But instead, you can talk about how do you yourself in the future performing better.


Primary Research | Methods, Advantages, Disadvantages, & Steps

Primary Research

Primary research is a process in which one conducts the process himself/herself. When you have been given an assignment from school, college or university to write about the most initial thing you look for is relevancy or some sort of reliable source from where you can get an insight of what you can bring onto the table.

There are several ways through which you can collect information but if you want to create something never been seen before primary research is one to go with.

What Is Primary Research?

Primary method is the most authentic way of cooking something delicious because primary research definition is the type of research in which a researcher has to go out of his or her comfort zone and rack up all of the information that goes relevantly to the topic.

This format of data and information collection could be real challenging for individuals but really come useful if an individual is looking forward to making his or her career his media science because it really furbishes one-person social communication and strategic skills.

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By now you have guessed how does primary sources helps polishing such great abilities of an individual but in case not then let us make it more evident to you, through primary research a person utilizes practically rational approach to accumulate information through interviews surveys articles and gather the information that isn’t as common or ever been out before.

Ways Through You Can Conduct Primary Research

If you would go out looking for new information and clues you will find yourself experimenting with different types of primary methods each of which will be advantageous for your research and students use all these methods for their search because all of them work phenomenal.

four primary research methods

Primary Research Methods

Following are enlisted primary research methods. Where you can get an idea to fetch primary research from:


To do the best in this task one must be firmed with the research and an ambition to have the most accurate data regarding the topic, in such case interviews are one legit primary method.


Surveys are commonly used by many individuals for collecting the information because survey technically means scrutinizing someone or something very crucially and it is also a well-known fact that if you want to make something or to get to the conclusion of something then examine the objective well.


Since you have done your research already and have all of the information in hands then you should go with the observation in this method write down all of the data and observe all of the circumstances and events.


Analysis is same as observation but when it comes to the primary source fetching. It breaks down into two different types, the analysis for primary research is more organized than observation and it is very helpful when it is required to follow a specified pattern for research.

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Prerequisites For Primary Research

In order for you to stockpile the information in regards of primary searches be sure of to be known of the answers to the following questions that comes along with it like “what is it that authors would want to know about?”, “What is the methodology of the primary research?”, “Which individuals are participating in the research?”, “How can one individual have an access to these individuals who are participating?” and “What could one person expect from the research?” and such type of other relevant questions.

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These questions hold great significance in strengths of primary references and must be answered. Therefore, one individual before doing the primary techniques must be formulated well for the answers to these questions because these questions break the concept of primary research into different pieces and covering small particular area of the search really puts everything very well together.

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Advantages Of Primary Research

There are many benefits of primary references which you get from primary research because in general it really is very assertive to make your topic relevant to the readers such benefits one gets from this are:

  • Having a topic in hands that is tailored to your ambition of what you want to deliver to the audience
  • Helps to put new information out in the world which has never been out before.
  • Gives you an exclusive jurisdiction over the methodology.
  • In case the topic is too complex for you to study then the right way to do the job is studying the topic well which primary sources allows you.
  • It open doors to new insights as you wander you discover different view points.
  • As you dive more and more into the sources and discover new information one the best feature of primary research is its adaptability of emerging with the research.
  • Great Quality is guaranteed because all of the information in primary information will be legit.
  • Key aspect of primary methods is engaging yourself with the participants as friendly as you will be with your participants more comfortable and easy approach to new information it will turn out to be.

Disadvantage Of Primary Research

Just like any other thing has its advantages and disadvantages, primary references also has it cons there are several disadvantages which also one has to deal with tin the process of research:

  • This type of info and data collection does not come cheap because primary research costs individuals because primary search demands great involvement from the researcher which results in making it costly.
  • Nobody has enough time to take out of their life sparely and primary research requires great interest of time which does not come off as easy for just anybody to do so.
  • Just like we have mentioned before that this type of research is driven from participants and interviews and practical approaches most of the times the suspects or the interviewees could come of conflicted and give vague statements.

3 Steps To Primary Research

The Following are the three steps to primary research:

Give Interpretation Of Objectives & Research

Brief description of the questions and intent results in making primary methods. More effective before getting started with the primary research set for yourself the following questions.

  • Which information should be unveiled through this?
  • Which goals should be achieved from this research?

Select The Valid Research Method

Different topics comes with different approaches to the method of techniques. Make sure that you choose a research method that comes in alignment with your primary research.

Set The Target Audience

For primary sources if you want to make it cohesive set the target audience for the task. Make sure to differentiate and identify so that your piece of search could speak to them and make sense to them.


Directly comprehending your customers making atonements for the products tasks or any project along with making smart decisions and getting the chance to know your target audience better is all a part of primary research. Watching their behavior, asking them questions and examining their nature is a part of it because it all results in authentic information.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Primary Research, also make sure to also read dissertation structure, driscoll model of reflection, and analysis of a research paper.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What describes primary research?

Primary research allows researcher to hunt data and accumulate details in real time and putting out information that is different from previous researches which have been done before it is best for deep analysis and solutions for rational problems.

What makes good primary research?

A good primary research, aims directly at the targeted audience and succeeds in delivering the ambition behind the research a good primary research resolve problems for all sort of major dilemmas retaining the objectives in alignment to research.

Why is primary research time consuming?

Primary research is completely non-fiction and non of the information could be restated with different verses or concept primary research is conducted through interviews surveys and analysis from reliable sources for which a researcher must take a handsome amount of time out.

How do you develop primary research?
  • Make sure to describe your research.
  • Select a specific design for your research.
  • Conduct the data that goes into the topic.
  • Crucially analyze your collected data and explain.
How to gather primary research?

There are multiple ways to gather your research like:

  • Survey Methodology.
  • Interviews.
  • Data analysis.
  • Research services.
  • Focus groups.
  • Content analysis.
What is the role of primary research in marketing?

Primary research in marketing helps the marketer to understand what they consumers expect from their marketing and the confidentiality for the things they are providing it also helps with setting up a target audience.