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Dissertation Sructure

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Dissertation Structure:

What is it that brought you here? Well, the most apparent answer to that question seems to be you have been given a dissertation to write but could not figure out the appropriate structure to follow.

You do not have to worry about it anymore because this blog will specifically guide you through all of the steps in details which are essential for a coherent dissertation.

What is a Dissertation?

The best way to incept any project or work is to meticulously study about the topic of subject which allows you to comprehend the concept and permits you to gain more knowledge for the following which eventually leads you to the best end product.

Since here we are discussing about the structure of a dissertation the best way to understand how you can formulate a cohesive piece of work is to initially understand “What is a dissertation?”

Definition for a dissertation is a well-researched highly understandable piece of paper that summarizes student’s point of view for the topic along the lines of academic challenges that one might had to endure on his or her venture. A dissertation is vital for students who want to have tier specified careers through masters and doctoral degrees, dissertation gives an evident peek into student’s research skills, the data analysis and one individual’s dedicated contribution to the project most of the times students get to this question “Who can do my dissertation?” which is why we provide dissertation writing help UK for English dissertation, Finance dissertation, Law dissertation and many more.

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The Motive Of A Dissertation:

A well formulated dissertation is to give an autochthonous identification to the particular raised question situation dilemma or in general topic an academic dissertation has many different purposes each of which carry vitality in a leaden manner dissertation are a great way for students to demonstrate their expertise and how much they have ace a particular subject in their faculty dissertations enables students put their abilities on the display in regards of academic research, data analyzation, comprehension and inquiry for a particular topic.

Dissertations can also be seen as foundation for the research that is still yet to come galvanizing new investigations and serving reference points for the students occupied in academics furthermore dissertation are crucially important for students who are aiming to have a behold upon the advance degrees because dissertation executes one individuals potential in the field of study exclusively which in addition becomes a leader for students to climb onto for their academic qualifications or to have the career they have been longing for.

To be more specific dissertation play a part in giving meaningful insights expands knowledge and signify competence in scholar field.

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Different Types Of Dissertation:

If you think there is only a single type of dissertation that is an all-purpose you could not be more wrong who can eat one flavor of ice cream for the rest of their life? Nobody, right? Same as that everything if not all than most of the things are out in the world that have their own variations and just like any other dissertations are no different because each student could have a different topic handed over to write a dissertation about.

Here are enlisted the types of different dissertation which you can choose from the one that seems most appropriate format of dissertation writing that aligns with the goal of research and methodology of dissertation:

Empirical Dissertation:

Empirical Dissertation is where one individual gather all of the original research data through experiments analysis surveys and other type of practical engagements. A student here specifically uses primary data to give answers to the research questions.

Theoretical Dissertation:

Theories that already hold a place in history gets studied, examined & observed in this type of dissertation this incepts new theoretical perspectives on the premises of literature retrospection scrutinizing and synthesizing knowledge.

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Mixed methods Dissertation:

If you have been given a topic where you have been asked to incorporate both qualitive and quantitative methods of research then mixed method is the perfect dissertation method to use in your project you will be able to stockpile all of the understandable data through reliable resources like surveys, interviews, observations and statistical analysis.

Literature Dissertation:

Literature based dissertations are also commonly known as desk-based or library-based dissertations and in a leaden manner they depended upon chapter of books, academic journals, publication and other piece of paper writings that are published observe the existing literature in order to come up with new theories and frameworks.

Practice Based Dissertation:

Projects that are art based are usually covered in practice-based dissertation technically the type where one person has to be creative with designs, architecture and art.

Case Study Dissertation:

Case study dissertation provides more in-depth study of individuals, groups and phenomena which helps to understand the chosen case more comprehensively, but one thing there is to keep in mind while using this method of dissertation which is that accumulated data should in both quality and quantitative forms.

How To Structure A Dissertation?

Success in field of academics advance degrees could never be reached if the dissertation you are writing are not structured and organized here is a tried, tested and approved structure of how to write a dissertation which will help you in your academic journey read the below the six chapters of dissertation to ace your writing skills and structures.

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Illustration of a dissertation structure with six chapters: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Elaboration, and Conclusion.
Following are the six neccessary chapters for dissertation structure:

Chapter 1-Dissertation Introduction:

Introduction is the most fundamental part of dissertation writing because it initially gives an insight of the researches you have conducting in great details try to demonstrate evident purposes and researched questions try to hint at how you are dissertation has been structured so you readers could have an idea of.

Dissertation Introduction Example:

  • What will you be doing investigation about in your dissertation?
  • Why is it worth to be investigated?
  • How you dissertation has been structured?
  • What is the approach to your research?

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Chapter 2-Literature Review:

Conduct a more in great detail review of the literature make sure to collate crucially observed and synthesize studies and key theories in this step you technically examine the existing research with appropriate perspective to comprehend.

Literature review Example:

  • Does the literature lacks or is organized?
  • How did you develop methodology of your own?
  • Give reasons to how does your research is consisted of originality?
  • Does the bigger picture fits your research or not?

Chapter 3-Methodology:

In this step the methods, design and techniques that all went into the research should be observed give brief interpretation of your choices validation and proclaim them of being appropriate the teacher or professor would want to know if you know what you are doing with your project by examining which methods you have used furthermore you have to explain the reasons behind the research.

Dissertation Methodology Example:

  • What is the research design you had intended here?
  • How are going to justify you research design?
  • Why did you choose to do things this way?
  • How are you going to carry out your research?

Chapter 4-Results:

Give out an evident and exact presentation of your research findings result is the step where data description and presentation is provided be adamant of the fact that your analysis is in support of the main purpose.

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Chapter 5-Elaboration:

Now that we have completed the data analysis and results have been presented it is time to give an explanation and analysis to them to simplify, we mean you would have to discuss what they exactly mean and try to make it sound more in relevancy to your research this is actually crucial step because whatever you will discuss here will directly reflect upon your dissertation methodology.

Chapter 6-Conclusion:

Congratulations on your way down here this is the final step now that results have been discussed and elaborated beginning is calling us again but this time with conclusion to be more specific you must provide an answer to your legit original research questions with conclusion you will be stating your research questions this might sound a bit boing but It’s important because it legitimately is a full circle.

These are the steps which you must follow to structure a well-organized and written dissertation.

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For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Dissertation Structure, also make sure to also read Emotive Language, Language Features and Physiotherapy Dissertation Ideas.

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Author

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Find Solutions of your queries 

What are the 5 chapters of a dissertation?

Below are the 5 chapters of dissertation writing that help craft the structure accurately:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Results
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
What is the biggest part of the dissertation?

The literature review part of the dissertation usually tends to be more extensive than other parts because this area is more detail-oriented and involves giving interpretations of the existing research.

What is the methodology in a dissertation?

The chapter of methodology in a dissertation indicates the research methods that were implemented in the dissertation and any decisions made relevant to the dissertation, along with the challenges faced.

What is the first sentence of the dissertation?

The first sentence of the dissertation is the introduction. Even though this might seem overwhelming, you should always start your dissertation writing with an appropriate introduction.


Why is structure important in a dissertation?

To formulate any piece of writing, it is essential to follow the appropriate structure because structure greatly increases the quality of the dissertation or any academic paper.

Who can help me with dissertation structure?

At Pro UK Writings, we provide the best dissertation writing help for students. You can place your order for a complete dissertation or ask us to cover specific areas according to your requirements.

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