
Driscoll Model Of Reflection | What? So What? Now What?

Driscoll Model Of Reflection

John Driscoll is the inventor of reflective model cycle which was developed by him in (2007) and is one of the simplest, model of reflection John Driscoll’s model of reflection is based on the premises of three key questions which Terry Borton had come up with in the year 1970.

What were the 3 questions of Rolfe Reflective Model?

Those 3 questions are (what? so what? and now what?) Driscoll interlinked these 3 questions to the cycle of experience and learning with additional analysis of each stage to complete the cycle of reflection these 3 questions were sporadically developed in 1994, 2000, and 2007 but the cycle of reflection is most commonly is known by the identification of John Driscoll model of reflection 2007.

Also read: How, Why, When, and Who Invented Homework?

DRIISCOLL Reflective Model: What, So What, Now What - A framework for reflective practice.

How Can You Use These 3 Steps Of Driscoll’s Reflection Model?

Here are the following steps about how you can practically implement this cycle for your personal practical use or if you in contemporaries a nursing practitioner then this could come in very handy for you to master your academics.

STAGE 1: What?

This is the first stage of the cycle where you recall the tragedies and failures from the past to help you recall your past experiences you can utilize these questions in the process:
  • What had happened?
  • What did I do wrong?
  • What am I missing?
  • How can I do better in the future?
  • Did I have a good time or not?
  • Was it the right choice to share?
  • Have I done the right thing?

STAGE 2: So What?

The 2nd step of the cycle is all about analyzing the past experiences this stage helps with gaining more meaningful insight of the circumstances in order for you to perform well at this stage here are couple of question which you can use.
  • How did I react upon that situation?
  • How I should have reacted for that matter?
  • What type of conflict resulted in this?
  • How much that situation affected the status quo?
  • Do I still feel the same now?
  • How much the situation impacted the people involved other than me?
  • Was the impact exclusively all negative?

STAGE 3: Now What?

In the 3rd stage of the cycle following the before 2 steps of recalling the past events crucially and analyzing them you propose action which you can execute for better possibilities or to resist making the same mistakes over and over some questions which you can ask yourself in this stage are:
  • What have I learnt from reflecting my experiences?
  • How can I make things better?
  • What should I do now?
  • Which mistake led me to that terrible conclusion?
  • How could I turn away from that?
  • Where should I have most of my focus on this time?
  • If I try new ways I might succeed this time.
In these 3 stages ask your self these question out for each stage, these questions will fill up the process of the cycle, explain the situation initially, follow it up with analyzation which will eventually lead you to conclusion of what to execute and what to avoid for upcoming events.

Also read: All You Need To Know About Kolb Reflective Cycle

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Driscoll Reflection Model also make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model & Rolf et. al model.


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Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

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All You Need To Know About Kolb Reflective Cycle

Kolb’s Model Of Reflective Cycle:

In 1984 David Kolb published his style of learning from which he developed for himself his own style directory his variation of reflective model has been named as “Experiential Learning” also known as “Kolb Reflective Cycle”.The purpose and to put this reflective model into execution is by things we experience in our practical life then retrospect them observe and verdict the appraise about in 4 distinguished stages.

What Is Kolb’s Cycle Of Learning?

Humans are very fascinating creatures of God their ability to examine and process things through is what sets them apart from other beings their ability to experience expands their cognitive ability over the past few decades and a period of impressive amount of time this phenomenon has been studied and explained by many how a human brains works through form of reflective models and out of the many the most exceptional and influential model was brought by David Kolb which is commonly known as the “Experiential Model” (ELT) in abbreviation form which stands for “Experiential Learning Theory” in 1984.This model has very commonly been used worldwide the concept for this model inclines to presuppositions that individuals ascertain by their actions or from more practically assertive experiences.Direct teaching of information is a one negating way of education pedagogical approach is more affective because now we are in the much firm state of fastidiously choosing ways of teaching education, it does not matter whichever level of educational grade you assist to implementing a pedagogical model into your teaching which helps us to alter our experiences into knowledge is crucially significant to atone student’s progress.

How Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle Is Beneficial?

Experiential learning has been conducive for individuals in the process of intaking information through means of real life experience reflections aside from educational learning Kolb’s reflective model has proven to be significant in terms of jobs or internships for conventional programs and development professionals but under the circumstances of constant development in technology gadgets and advances in communicational techs and (MOOCs) Massive Open Online Courses advent higher education system intends to go for more “Experiential Learning Techniques” competency based degrees are one good example of today’s world where students have to drive competence from real world experiences.

Also read: Critical Analysis Of A Research paper

What is the difference between Experiential, Conventional & Didactic Learning?

Kolb Learning Cycle of 1984 is used fundamentally as one of the most useful learning styles of intaking new knowledge. Kolb’s reflective model concentrates on practitioners personal ascending stature in terms of self-growth and expanding point of views which is different from conventional and didactic learning in this type of learning process an individual is responsible for mandating his learning process Kolb’s reflective model is used in a leaden manner in academics by students because it allows students to apply their knowledge in real life circumstances practically.Active Participation, Critical Thinking, Generating Avant Garde ideas, coming up with solutions for problems, contributing with life on personal scale and Communication Skills are all encouraged in Experiential Learning.Whereas conventional and didactic methods are consisted of lectures, textbooks, homework and assignment these methods are incredible with the teaching of facts and clearing up the concepts but not necessarily how to apply them in real time in practical situations.Both of these methods are good and essentially significant in their own ways for distinguished purposes and also perform well in different styles of teaching there is no contradiction that experiential learning is superlative when it comes to retaining new information into student’s knowledge.

Also read: How, Why, When, and Who Invented Homework?

How Kolb’s Learning Cycle Is Helpful To Students?

In order for you to comprehend How Kolb Reflective Model help students to retain the knowledge and expand it here are few steps to give you an insight of:
  • Familiarization: Students come in alignment with the subject matter through real life practical experiences and reflect them into their learning.
  • Being Cognizant Of: To ascend their stature in educational system students intricate themselves deep into the following aspect.
  • Restoration: Students recall the past retrieve the circumstances already happened.
  • Unification: Students strongly acknowledge the new information and retain it for a long time.
  • Assessing Process: Whether the experience was worth it or not students evaluate about it.
  • Merge: Students add in the new information along with the already existing information.
  • Execution: Students apply the newly learnt didactics to come up with solutions for the problems.
  • Further Wandering: Students do not end it there they continue to hunt for new knowledge.

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What Is The Purpose Of Kolb’s Reflective Model?

David Kolb who came up with the model of Kolb’s reflective model of experiential learning in 1984 delivers the speculation of individuality among human beings each of them having different learning of styles depending upon their personal experiences of life encompassment genetics ambiance and the idea of past, present & future. In Kolb’s perspective a person goes through swiveled intricacies of life choices, worries and experiences which ends up in final settlement & analyzation of the experiences.

These reflections are then brought up into alignment with past knowledge and then given a new meaning into theories or abstract ideas which leads to implying actions in such ways that are completely different from the ones in the past which makes them settle to the experience that can be explored and tested.

His model of Kolb Reflective Cycle is pedagogical approach which he used at Stanford University to bring new information into his student’s knowledge through which he did accomplish his aim of self-directed study because he wanted his students to be their own problem solvers.

Also read: Emotive Language : Explanation, Uses, & Examples!

Image showing all the four steps of kolb reflective cycle | Pro UK Writings

4 Stages Of Kolb Reflective Cycle

Reflective cycle of David Kolb consists of 4 stages basically it is a 4-stage learning process in which an individual touches roots of all four crucial steps that goes into the model i.e. concreate learningreflective observationabstract conceptualization and active experimentation these are the 4 key stages of the model but what exactly are they? Let’s dive in and find out.


On everyday basis how a person interacts with others and display their involvement with others get examined because one person is constantly feeling and experiencing something in the ambience consciously and physically which makes them understand to systematically reflect which makes them to be comprehensive of new skill approach or improve their existing skills which they are in status quo practicing being in this stage make a note out of a particular situation with interpretation of what you had experienced with this specific situation.


Seeing one situation from many different points of view open doors to endless opportunities and this is precisely what one does at this stage they comprehend the situation and ideas from many different perspectives the learner gets a new perspective of the same situation out of making verdict about it but make sure to not essentially execute any act learners write down their narration based off of their feelings and musings.


 The main objective of reflection in models is to shine light to new ideas creatively or to modify an old abstract through logical approach, ideas and theories instead of utilizing personal feelings, dilemmas or experience abstract conceptualization of Kolb model is more of a practically logical approach to have an insight of the circumstances where systematic planning and building practical solutions for situations are also helpful in this process.


At this stage the learners execute the newly made or modified concepts into experimentation at active stage active learners experience new aspects by experiments with different situations at this stage the practical approach is exalted which is different from analysis individual apply their ideas and put them out into the world to examine which consequences take place.

These are the 4 key stages of David Kolbd model of reflection.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about David Kolb’s model of reflection make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model & Rolf et. al model.


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Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Critical Analysis Of A Research paper

Critical Analysis Of Research Paper

If by reading the name of the title you are getting the idea that critical analysis of research paper means reading through a piece of writing and pointing all of the mistakes that were made in the writing process then you are wrong the purpose for this type of analysis means to understand the text and engage yourself with it lets understand the motive for how to critique a research paper in great detail.

What Is A Critical Analysis Paper?

A critical analysis of a research paper is a process of scrutinizing a piece of writing crafted by someone and verdict about, this procedure of evaluation can be implemented in books, essay, article, assignments and blogs. This a 2 Step process:

Step 1: Reading the content meticulously and going through all aspects.

Step 2: Thoughtfully analyze the entire information and look for all details under harsh microscope that went into the project.

Well critical analysis is nothing like proofreading in proofreading you correct all of the grammatical and punctuational mistakes while in critical analysis you read an author’s work with great interest and then giving out your point of view in regards of how well the author has succeeded or failed to accomplish their purpose.

Critical analysis is predominantly utilized in academics for student projects like Dissertations, Assignments, Essays, Coursework, Homework but mastering the critical analysis skills are extremely conducive outside the academics.

How To Write Critical Analysis Essay?

Do you want to have a successful critical analysis essay in hands? then you must read through the entire process of how you can write an excellent critical analysis essay without wasting any much time let’s begin from the start.

In case you have been given a task of reading a novel from your literature class and write critical analysis essay about it then you would have to examine the characters, the plot, the tragedies, themes, story line and pattern of the book in general the whole aesthetic of the novel must be scrutinized. Similarly, if you are writing a critical analysis essay with more scientific approach you would have to analyze methodology, conclusion, scientific facts, experiments and results.

The main factor that goes into writing a critical analysis is to keep the mind candor to the subject matter and involve yourself into willingness of connecting with the project on deeper scale by doing it so you technically get better insights of the topic and subject matter in order to ace critical analysis essay keep on reading more.

Examples Of Critical Analysis Paper

Examining your speculations before incepting writing could be beneficial and also helps to shorten the amount of time that one person invests working on critical analysis essay having a plan before execution results in having a good quality critical analysis assignment or critical analysis essay.

If your teacher, professor or instructor has given you sample essay or outline try to initially refer to the sample, the following are the essay critical analysis examples.

  • Background Information
  • Thesis
  • Summary
  • Critical analysis
  • Conclusion

This is a sample of how you should structure your critical analysis of research paper but how are you supposed to use this structure into writing one?

  1. Background Information

    In the very first paragraph of your essay try to include background information about the piece of writing you are crafting critical analysis essay about try to add in the text information about the writing material you are analyzing and add in the piece of title, the name of author and details in regards of when and where it was published.

    “Do not go gentle into that good night” is a poem written by a Welsh poet Dylan Thomas it also known as one of his best works the poem was first published in the journal Botteghe Oscure in 1951 the poem was actually written back in 1947. When Thomas was on visit with his family to Florence.
  2. Thesis

    Post giving the background information write you thesis. The thesis should exclusively be your true insight of the work which message or purpose you got out of reading the authors work when reader reads your thesis he or she also get rest of the idea about what to expect from your critical review of research paper make sure to keep in mind the points you make in your critique comes in alignment with your thesis.

    Dickenson conveyed the message of to not shy away from the bitter truth of forever goodbye from this world with willing resignation but rather one should fight for life till the very last breathe because it is the most beautiful gift. The author believed “burn and rave” is the right way to do it.
  3. Summary

    Summary is the next step in the process where you summarize the entire work which you have analyzed do not get the idea that reader is also very well cognizant of the work summary should be wrote in such a way where it gives reader the impression that you understood everything that went into the writing but be sure of one thing to not state the debatable arguments which you will state later in the essay.

    In the first stanza of the poem the author was trying to motivate his father to not end it with a gentle forever good bye but instead he wanted his father to “Rage against the dying of the light” the “Do not” is a command instead petition he was commanding his father to resist the death instead of asking him gently “close of the day” and “dying of the light” are both metaphors used here for death.
  4. Critical Analysis

    After writing summary next paragraph will be about the pain objective of the process the critical analysis stage it should be focused more onto supporting the thesis, here you will interpret the areas you have taken notes about when you were reading while critical analysis is all about sharing your respective point of view about the topic there should also be reliable source evidence added into it adding textual evidence to support the claims is fundamental also make sure to explain your reasoning.

    Do not go gentle into that good night”  the first line of the first  stanza of the poem gives out an evident meaning of how the writer thinks that his father’s life is way too valuable to be simply said goodbye to “Old age should burn and rave at close of the day” he understands that his father has come of an age where it is time to leave but he doesn’t want it to be a reason and yet want him to fight “rage, rage against the day of light” is a metaphor he used to explain how ending to life seems to be like “sun going down after a beautiful bright sunny day”, “flowers blooming in spring and withering away in autumn” and “blowing off a candle making it all dark after beautiful warm light”. In the first line of the second stanza “Though wise men at their end know dark is right” he describes that people of age are not petrified with the idea of departure because they are wise enough to understand nobody can go on forever and in juxtaposition to younger people who have so much of their life ahead of them still yet to live, older ones have lived enough to come in terms with this universal truth.
  5. Conclusion

    The last step of the process conclusion is where you make close remarks to end up your essay plus on the top of that you recall your thesis statements to remind the readers try to not do excessive summarization of your critical analyzation unnecessarily unless the essay is too long.

    In poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” Dylan Thomas clearly displays the perspective of how he feels about his dying father his superlative use of metaphors beautifully explains the concept of death and how he thinks one should not just accept it without a fight his poem is simple precise assertive.

Which Language Should Critical Analysis Be Written In?

Critical analysis paper writing is in the academic form which means it should be as formal as possible and try to avoid utilizing:

  • Slang words or sentences
  • Contractions (shortening a word ex: Mister “Mr” or combining two different words like: “do not” “don’t”).
  • First person pronouns like “I, me, we.”

Also avoid using phrases like “I think” or “in my opinion” because the readers already have gotten the point that this analysis has already been written from your perspective.

Tips To Write A Flawless Critical Analysis Research Paper

  • Carefully read through all of the material with interest and great attention to have deeper understanding of the concept.
  • While reading the material take notes of the important point
  • Try to outline your essay it will save you excessive time you do not necessarily have to stick to one outline you can later it along with the writing process but do it
  • Invest major amount of time writing an exceptional thesis and critical analysis because out of all the steps in the procedure these 2 stages are the most crucial ones the background information and introduction is important as well but weak thesis and critical analysis could not be compensated with these.
  • Try to write it intermittently not all in one go, give yourself break of plenty of time to differentiate between each paragraph that way it will also give you time to figure out additional improvements.

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about critical analysis of research paper, make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework Invention & Rolf et. al model.

Analysis Of Research Paper is interesting right?

Want critical analysis of a research paper? Click below!

For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about critical analysis of research paper, make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework Invention & Rolf et. al model.


Find Solutions of your queries 

Can I do Dissertation Critical Analysis?

Yes, you can critical analysis for the most part is used in academics, you can try this procedure for your dissertation writing it will also help you to understand your dissertation better.

What is The Point of Critical Analysis?

The main purpose of critical analysis is to present authors thesis, argument and point of view in your own perspective apart from academics one can make a great profession out of it.

How Does Analysis Help Critical Thinking?

Because you crucially examine the musings that have went into the writing paper it helps to elevate ideas of your own use them with your own perspective about the same or other projects in general it results in making you more creative.

How Can I Improve my Analysis Skills?

Try to rea a piece of writing over and over again and search for new mistakes in same paragraph try to come up with solution of your own for problems expand your skills with writing and for better results seek out professional’s help.

What Makes a Good Analysis?

A good analysis has all points clear of one project has evidence and is contextualized and briefly describes each phase of writing “why did you choose this topic,” “what does it represents?” and “what message is here?”

What are the 4 types of critical analysis research paper?

The first four steps of critical analysis are background information, thesis, summary and critical analysis itself all of these steps are important for writing a good quality paper.

Problems Faced By Students While Writing An Essay:

In the process of essay writings many obstacles get in the way of students like:

  • They cannot manage their time simultaneously with academics and personal life it gets hard for them.
  • Not all students are creative enough to write an essay that is completely different from others.
  • Research skills play the key step in coming with an essay that is pleasing to teachers because accuracy matters the most but unfortunately this factor needs practice and one should be well known of reliable sources.
  • Excessive academic tasks could play havoc with student’s mental wellness.
sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.


Emotive Language : Explanation, Uses, & Examples!

What Is Emotive Language?

If you have not got a clue about what is the emotive language meaning? Then let us give you the definition of this term “emotive” word means arousal or to arouse intense feelings while language on the other hand is each countries way of communication so “emotive language” technically means to use such words or sentences that bring out the intense feelings of the reader or listener because words are the most impactful way of leaving your impression onto someone or giving them an insight of your point of view.

How Can We Use Emotive Language?

Well, now that we have our answer to this question what emotive language is let’s take a deep dive into how writers and novelist use this language. Writers in a leaden manner try to utilize emotive language for dramatic situations in story telling process because it helps to make the scenarios more assertive and impactful which results into listener or reader inclining towards the story more.
Emotive language plays significant key role to make the reader or listener understand what emotions the character might be feeling at which phase of the story it makes stories more engaging.

Another great use of emotive language is in the persuasive writing if you do not know in case what persuasive writing is then let us tell you the persuasive writing is where the writer persuades the audience and try to make them comprehend the narrative of the story from their perspective this might execute in the form of essays, articles, dialogues, blogs, and pieces of opinions, using emotive language in persuasive writing is a great way of involving the reader into the concept of story.
When characters piteous emotions are projected on the display like misery, compassion or need for help they are more likely to be more invested in the story. Emotive language is a great way to deliver your message and affiliate with readers on personal level and to make them see your side of the world.

Language For Behavior & Emotions

Emotive language consists of elicit words or phrases that trigger readers or listeners emotions such example of emotive words is moved to tears, heartwarming, perseverance, magical, appalling, tragic, pride and such words like these that are poignant, unaffectionate and assertive are used in emotive language.
Use of any impactful word in a conversation that leaves content or forlorn perception in readers or listener’s mind is counted as one. Here are few examples of how you can use emotive language:
“She was driving a car”

This sentence is not emotive because it does not trigger emotions:
“You should drive carefully”

This sentence is emotive because it shows genuine concern for the sake of well-being.

How Is Emotive Language Useful?

If you want to build a successful career as a novelist or in literacy then acing the emotive language is highly significant for you because emotive language can be really useful if you want to touch the audience on deeper level and take them on roller coaster journey of emotional ride with you because the purpose of emotive language is to coax the reader or listener into seeing the narrative from writer’s perspective.


Now that we are well known of the definition for emotive language and what’s emotive language lets have a look at emotive language examples to bring this into practice and master how to use it by examining some great examples

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day Of Infamy” speech (1941)

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s day of infamy speech in 1941 is a very good example to understand the impact of emotive language usage in speeches articles or blogs and stuff. His famous line “A date which will live in infamy” actually displays the negative connotation felt by the speaker which also gives perception of shock and scandalous feelings felt by the American civilization regarding the attack

He had also emphasized the disloyalty with such words as:

Sudden: Something that takes place unexpectedly.

Deliberate: Calculated, intentionally, on purpose.

Unprovoked: Something that happens without justification.

Dastardly: Diabolical, crucial, evil.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Inaugural Address (1961)

John F. Kennedy phrase “My fellow Americans” has been utilized by politicians before and after Kennedys time to bring the politicians closer. Kennedy had used this statement number of times in his speech the reach out to the emotions of the audience. His very famous line “My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” Is massive example of emotive language because it shows altruism, patriotic love and civil duty for the country.  “Pay any price” and “bear any burden” were the statements also used in his speech to invoke determination and commitment cause liberty among Americans some of the most assertive words used by Kennedy in his speech to evoke the American Civilization of that time were:

  • “Bondage of mass misery”
  • “Free society”
  • “My fellow citizens of the world”
  • “Eternal vigilance”

 The emotive language John Fitzgerald Kennedy used in his Inaugural Address (1961) was strategic enough to aim for his goals and strived and then achieve.

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin (1813)

 Emotive language is significant for literacy because when a novel is packed with such intense emotional concepts of love, complexity and confusion jane Austin use of emotive language in Pride and Prejudice (1813) was to deliver:

  • Character’s feelings,
  • Societal expectations,
  • Complexities of romantic relationships.

In the novel when Mister Darcy proposes to Elizebeth his speech was filled with emotive language as he confesses his love but his terms were loaded with negative connotations which eventually led to a rejection by Elizebeth.
These are some of the great examples of emotive language used in history by great personalities to aim at emotions.

Why does the tone matter in emotive language?

When using emotive language in conversation , speeches articles blog or in drama writing make sure that you use the language with appropriate tone and perspectives that are evident to the  listener of reader for example “you will lose the race” is a negative statement and could trigger self-doubt within listener while on the other hand “if you do not practice enough you might end up losing the race” is suggestive statement that is counseling the listener into taking advice for the possible Achilles Heel.


Emotive language (KS2) stands for key stage 2 this language is used widely among individuals who are mature but traditionally it is a tempting idea to plant learning of this idea into primary education among young pupils to understand the conceptional use of poignant words is recognized as emotive language ks2.
For any type of service and Blog information Pro UK Writings have always exceeded all expectations now that you know all about Emotive Language of reflection make sure to also read Gibb’s reflective model, Homework invention, & Rolf et. al model.


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sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

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Rolfe Reflective Model | What? So What? Now What?


Are 3 primary questions used in Rolfe et al. model which allows practitioner to consider the past events that went wrong in “ What? ” phase, then determining and compensating them in “ So What? ” phase and then finally executing the learnt principles in “ Now What? ” phase.

What is the Rolfe et al. model?

In 2001 professor Gary Rolfe along with Dawn Freshwater & Melanie Jasper developed the model of reflection commonly is known as the Rolfe et al. model of reflection the model was developed for nursing students to have an insight of their experience, feelings and actions to develop their educational practice accordingly, because the model aims at 3 significant prime questions (What? So What? & Now What?) which permits an individual to have an interpretation of an event, observing the situation and coming with prospect for future events you can see the visual presentation of how this principle works down below:

How Rolfe Reflective Model Help?

This model help practitioners with the reflective writing by crucially examining the past events with the question of what? Scrutinizing the things that went fiasco which led them to question in present so what? Which usually results in for practitioners to come with the solution for the dilemma in 3rd execution phase of the model now what? before making the observational theory about the situation they incept with emphasizing the problem and then implement the model to come up with solution.

Fundamentals To Remember

How to use Rolfe Reflective Model model? 

While doing your reflective writing make sure to use references, choosing Rolfe reflective model you can implement many of your references in the “What?” section. why references are fundamental and what do we mean by references in Rolfes reflective model? By references we mean by determining and imperatively examining the past events that went horribly wrong because of the certain way you acted out upon the situation stowing this model into the situation will refer to why did you act that way? In your “Now what?” Section thinks about the possibilities that you could utilize to make the situation better instead of regrets strategize the possibilities of doing better which will eventually lead you out to the execution phase of the model “Now what” where you will bring your ideas of square one to projection.

Keeping it formal

When-ever you write about personal experiences it usually gets very conversational and chatty format of writing make sure you keep the professionalism while writing about your experience be adamant of the noun verifiable truth that your reflective writing is academic and formal.

Who was the inventor of Rolfe reflective model of what? So what? Now what?

Well so now that you know very well how does this reflective model work and what purposes it serves for nursing practitioners you must think of Rolfe ( Rolfe’s reflective model ) as a brilliant brain at hind end of this masterpiece but do you really know who originated this model legitimately? Well it wasn’t Rolfe et al reflective model in (2001) but it was Terry Borton ( Bortons model of reflection ) in 1970 who was the real mastermind behind this concept Terry Borton’s reflective model was first introduced in his published book of “Reach, Touch and Teach” in the book he calls it as “What? So what? And Now What? Method, but this method was also published by 2 other professors with differentiation of time period Rolfe et. al in (2001) and by Driscoll model of reflection 2007.


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sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

Rolfe Reflective Model is interesting right?

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How, Why, When, and Who Invented Homework?

In this blog you are going to read all about how, why, when, and who invented homework and how was it originated just read through.

Let’s Learn About the History of Homework

Homework well a crucial at home activity for students of all grades around the world just by the name of it, Students appear to seem fatigued as only few special kids are the ones who actually revel doing it because they enjoy study while on the other hand many runs away from it.
But the young minds often do not realize how significant homework is for their educational growth they would much rather have extra play time rather than studying extra at home apart from school, so in order to help kids understand the perks of homework through our homework writing service.
Let’s dive deep into the history of who actually came up with this idea of doing homework well if you too at some point, have wondered who invented homework then in this blog you are going to read it all through.

Invention of Homework

Roberto Nevilis born in Venice the city of Italy is considered to be someone who invented homework, the question is when was homework invented?
It is said to belief that homework was either invented by him in 1095 or 1905, but many sources debate about this information being misleading as in the very inception of the 20th century homework was banned for students falling under the age criteria of 15 years in California.
Around the renaissance and Early Modern Period (14th to 17th centuries) the educational philosophies had already begun to be structured, it was not as systematic or common as it is today but the roots have already begun to grow from there.
In the 19th century in countries like Germany, France, and England scholars and teaching education institutions educators began to emphasize the importance of education to create a more impactful approach to gaining knowledge, by the time around 20th century homework was already prevalent among educational algorithms.

What is homework spelled backwards?

Many peoples ask that what is homework backwards? Do you know that if you spell homework backwards then it is spelled as “krowemoh” which absolutely does not mean anything in English but what does it mean then?
Well, it had been said to believe that in Latin it basically means “child abuse” this piece of information had surfaced on the internet but legitimately had been approved false it was an inside joke and this is not authentic Roberto Nevilis the genius who created homework did not come up with the idea of this as some of punishment by the time when homework was invented he wanted to bring discipline and sharpen his students memory regarding education because they tend to forget their school lessons which is why homework was invented.

What does homework stand for?

The person who made homework had not thought of this but predominantly people in general including most of the students believe that H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K actually stands for “Half of my energy wasted on random knowledge” but is it really what does homework mean?
Well homework does not really mean this it is actually an idiom used by students who find trouble with doing homework when homework was invented this meaning was not originated simultaneously.

Why Homework is Important?

Homework plays a significant role in adhering newly gained information at school to mind better as you tend to solve problem on your own without teacher or any professors help in the form of homework you also rewrite the work that you have already written at school which makes student to not any soon enough forget about the information but as many students flee from doing their homework and in case you are among them too then you can avail our history homework service & english homework service. Homework in addition enhances student’s expertise of resolving problems all their own and that too with accuracy but these are just the benefits you obtain from doing your homework. Let’s learn about the actual purpose of homework and how it was originally form.

Why was homework invented?

Roberto Nevilis was a teacher who used to take multiple classes of different subjects during his classes he noticed that most of the students would not pay much attention to his lectures and would not hustle to expand their knowledge and soon enough forget all the newly learnt information.
Roberto was disappointed that all of his perseverance, dedication and commitment to teaching was negating then he came up with the idea to assign for kids at home projects in form of revision of the lessons learnt at school.
It was a punishment that started out as which now have become an everyday essential at home activity for everyday student but many researchers disagree on this because as much of a great teacher Roberto was, he could never come up with the idea of punishment in any form so what basically homework is?

The Purpose of Homework

Homework is highly assertive method of helping students of all ages to comprehend and intake the new information much better because with the help of homework their study dynamics become more facilitating as something repeated more than once gets adapted to human brains natural capability of consuming new information and with revision it retains there more evidently.
Homework also gives students great sense of responsibility as they have something to be anxious about being done by within some deadline.

Some More Benefits of Doing Homework in Detail

Here you can read through some extended benefits of doing your homework in detail so you can understand the purpose better.

Skills Development

Doing your homework like clockwork brings up great perk of skills development like, you invest more time in your academic education which results in acing your accuracy for writing homework, boosts your knowledge grip and helps to submit your homework on time.

Makes you collaborative

Sometimes homework is given as group projects where student has to be a part of group consisting of some number of students where all students play their own part and execute their own expertise regarding the project this helps a student to be collaborative.

Time Management

Homework makes students more disciplined as it helps them to sort out prioritize, bifurcating time for each different activity along with planning a schedule for a certain period of time for each subject resulting in making them great planners from the beginning.

Improve Your Research Skills

Some level of research is involved while doing homework students often time have to look for facts that are true or historic events that are legit. Homework helps to level up their research skills and they become more precise with data they collect online.

Too Much Anxious About Doing Homework?

Now that you have read about the history of homework and its purpose hope you are sorted out but if currently you are homework is still pending and you are being worried whether you might be able to finish the task.
At Pro UK Writings you can hire homework help expert who will help you with difficulties of researching, topic selection, formatting, drafting, referencing and editing you just need to trust our reliable service and let us be known of your requirements and how can we assist you. Do not hesitate to seek professional help from Pro UK Writings’ homework help services.


Find Solutions of your queries 

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

Homework Invention is an interesting topic right?

Contact our experts and tell them your homework issues, our experts wil assist you in your homework and also do it for you!


Gibbs Reflective Cycle: All 6 Stages & Examples | Pro UK Writings


The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is a structured model for reflection past experiences commonly used by individuals, particularly in the fields of education, healthcare, and professional development. It was developed by Graham Gibbs, and it consists of six stages that guide individuals through the process of reflecting on an experience.


Gibbs model of reflection is a cycle of human experiences that helps people comprehend their actions in order to burgeon their stature. Gibbs’ reflective model endeavor to cultivate systematic thinking in people, allowing them to stretch out well-founded conclusions and upgrade their decision-making competencies.

The Gibbs reflective cycle is a popular model for reflection, that allows individuals to scrupulously contemplate their past actions systematically. Gibbs reflection of cycle has prevalently been used and has also been accepted as “THE MODEL OF REFLECTION”. Prospered by Graham Gibbs in 1988 at Oxford Polytechnic, this reflective cycle framework is widely used within various fields such as education, healthcare and management to flourish professional and personal development.

This reflection cycle encourages individuals to consider their own experiences in a more in-depth and analytical way, helping them to identify how they can do better for the good in the future.

Midwifery came to conclusion that about 63% of qualified healthcare experts use Gibbs model of reflection like clockwork, many students find themselves facing hard time when being given topics to write about this, but Pro UK Writings has got it all covered with our team of exceptional writers, you will face no problem.


Professor Graham Gibbs, an advocate of “experiential learning,” emanated his model in the 1988 publication, “Learning by Doing.” This groundbreaking work at the time inclined the attention of leading psychologists. Gibbs’ reflective cycle was noted to be an effective method for contemplating the past, aiding people to have a record of challenging situations with composure and resilience.

Over the course period of time, it altered into a pivotal instructional approach, aiding learners in comprehending and analyzing their experiences. In today’s modern era of education, in a peculiar manner nursing students who might need help with their nursing assignments, using the Gibbs model to straighten out the complex cases that are relevant to patient’s health.

Accepting the realities that went fiasco as valuable life lessons, students grasp this reflective tool to analyze their mistakes in order to obtain a proactive mindset. As the field of nursing focuses towards the service delivery and individual’s well-being, students frequently dive into nursing assignments, meticulously trying to get the insight of the Gibbs model application.

For students who are in dire need of well-crafted paper, often turn to professional services like Pro UK Writings nursing assignment help for the top-notch quality work.


Here you can read in-detail about, the 6 stages of GIBBS Reflective Cycle so you can understand this better.

  • Initial Stage “Description”

     In the very initial phase, you will be asked to explain your feelings regarding the incident that had betided. To set the stage for analysis and great attention to details of the past event. This step of the Cycle functions to give out concise, accurate information for better understanding.

  • Second Stage “Feelings”

    The second stage, “Feelings,” is the reflective process, that goes through the emotional dimensions of the experience. Participants are motivated to explore their own feelings as well as the emotions of other individuals. This stage adds a layer of in-depth understand to the reflection, to be cognizant of the personal side of the experience to encourage compassion and empathy.

  • Third Stage “Evaluation”

    “Evaluation” is the third stage in this process, individuals are encouraged to carefully evaluate their experience and are petitioned to analyze both positive and negative aspects, identifying what worked impressively and what could have been done better. This evaluative step contributes to a nuanced understanding of the situation, permitting individuals to recognize patterns and outcomes.

  • Fourth Stage “Analysis”

    “Analysis”, the fourth stage, individuals get asked to analyze experience by breaking it into parts. This involves exploring the factors due to which the incident had happened. By scrutinizing different elements at play, people obtain insights into the hidden pieces of the puzzle, contributing to a more meaningful understanding of actions and decisions they had made.

  • Fifth Stage “Conclusion”

    Fifth stage of the cycle “conclusion.” Summarizes reflections for clarity. Here, individuals purge through the key lessons ascertained from their experiences, acknowledging new insights gained. This step clears the way for perception of closure and capture the reflective journey, offering a foundation for future growth and development.

  • Sixth Stage “Action Plan”

    The final stage of the cycle “Action Plan.” In this step individuals are encouraged to execute their new principles and morals which they have come in terms with by going through the 5 steps mentioned above. This forward-looking aspect of the model amalgamates the new knowledge into future scenarios which contributes into perpetuating the cycle of learning and improvement.


Here you can read through the advantages of Gibbs reflective cycle and disadvantages of Gibbs reflective cycle to understand better:


  • Provides an evident framework systematically for reflection.
  • It encourages individuals to critically observe their experiences.
  • This process can be implemented in diverse fields.
  • Helps understand the emotions, thoughts, and actions for reflective comprehension.
  • Helps individuals to learn and grow for better in the process.


  • The detailed structure can be overwhelming for some individuals because of the complex structure.
  • If some individuals prefer more flexible modal, then this can be rigid for them.
  • It can be majorly time consuming.
  • It can be subjective as stages vary.
  • Can heavily be emphasized on feelings apart from other aspect.


There are various ways through which Gibbs 1988 reflective cycle can be used professionally or for personal contexts.

How Gibbs reflective cycle can be utilized?

In order for you to implement the Gibbs cycle in your professional nursing help of fostering individuals or for your personal context you have to make sure the spiritual sensation of honesty and openness is present within your or your patient’s self. Be candid about your thoughts and feelings, even if they might be uncomfortable.

This honesty is essential for genuine self-reflection. Try to look upon the situation from multiple different perspective including your overview and along with trying to see the same situation from a perspective of another individual.

To add in-depth understanding of the betided incident you should make your experiences relevant to the theory which will lead you to formulate realistic ambitions for the final step of “Action Plan” stage which will help you to come up with thinking of executing plans and aiming for actions that are accessible along the lines of tangibility improvements.


Find Solutions of your queries 

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle is effective right?

Contact us now and get assignments according to Gibbs Reflective Cycle!


50 Physiotherapy Dissertation Ideas You Must Be Cognizant Of


Writing a dissertation that is neoteric and different from any other of your work or some other students work is a colossal task. And such multiplex subject like Physiotherapy makes it even more stimulating. Lets discuss 50 phsiotherapy dissertation ideas you should know!

Have you ever met a condition where you had to write a dissertation? Or are you here under the particular reason for the circumstance of being asked to write it for the very initial time?

You do not have need to be petrified and anxious for this task because as you will read the inaugural lines on this blog regarding dissertation writing. Dissertation writing will definitely seem more like worth all the effort

Hustling in-between different Physiotherapy dissertation musings or drafting it all by your own potential. All these are on both sides of the road, beneficial and detrimental. Yet, not often but couple of times it can be a bit engulfing to work on an entire exclusive piece of a research paper all by yourself.

In this case, you can confidentially be depended upon this blog for help. It has exclusively been designed to assist you in ascertaining the process of crafting a grade-worthy impactful dissertation.

So, if in status quo you are stuck somewhere in between free avant-garde ideas or being fastidious about choosing dissertation topic here you can read through all of the information below:


Students often deal with choosing the right dissertation idea for physiotherapy but mentioned below are some of the best ideas for physiotherapy:


    Always make sure to pick a topic of interest so that you could be engaged with enthrallment as finalizing a dissertation or a project can take months if the picked topic is perforated.


    Even if you do not formulate it well, you will have to do you researches to some level. It is more acceptable to do it exemplary then, make sure to tread on the heels of correct steps to gather data and note it down in well order.


    A very fundamental part of your academia curriculum if you dissertation it has to be always on spot concise and well-written, your musings should be stowed right in front of the reader dissertations play a major role for student’s academia career as they place great value for grading.


    Dissertations require a lot of time, creativity and great attention to details the dissertation work can be mentally and physically exhausting for a student therefore, you can ask assistance for such tiring work at Pro UK Writings.


    Make sure your idea is new many students out there commonly go for the topic ideas that other students are going for but it only makes your content banal make sure your dissertation topic is different from prevalent ones.


If you want to score your best grades, make sure your ideas for physiotherapy dissertations are exceptional. Below are enlisted 20 best ideas for physiotherapy dissertations:

  • Pediatric Aquatic Therapy: An innovative method Physiotherapeutic Interventions.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in Addressing Postural Instabilities.
  • Ergonomics in the Workplace: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective.
  • Technological Innovations in Physiotherapy: A Comprehensive Review.
  • Role of Physiotherapy in Improving Cardiovascular Health.
  • Examining the Impact of Exercise Prescription in Mental Health Rehabilitation.
  • Physiotherapy Interventions for Pediatric Developmental Delays.
  • Muscle Imbalances and their Relationship to Injury Prevention.
  • Assessing the Long-Term Effects of Physiotherapy on Quality of Life.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation in Neurological Disorders: A Physiotherapeutic Perspective.
  • Physiotherapeutic Interventions for Women’s Health Issues.
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Manual Therapy in Musculoskeletal Disorders.
  • Pediatric Aquatic Therapy: A Novel Approach in Physiotherapeutic Interventions.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • The Use of Acupuncture in Physiotherapy Practice.
  • Pediatric Aquatic Therapy: A Novel Approach in Physiotherapeutic Interventions.
  • Exploring Cultural Competence in Physiotherapy Practice.
  • Physiotherapy and Falls Prevention in the Elderly Population.
  • Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Contemporary Physiotherapy Techniques.
  • Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Contemporary Physiotherapy Techniques.


Here you can have insight of most demanding and free ideas for physiotherapy dissertations:

  • Comparative Study of Exercise vs. Manual Therapy in the Treatment of Frozen Shoulder.
  • Investigating the Impact of Aquatic Therapy on Joint Range of Motion in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients.
  • The Impact of Lifestyle Modification Programs in Physiotherapy for Obesity Management.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of Chronic Neck Pain in Office Workers.
  • Assessing the Role of Physiotherapy in Improving Functional Independence in Stroke Survivors.
  • The Impact of Tele-Rehabilitation on Patient Compliance and Outcomes.
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Kinesiotaping in the Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries.
  • Physiotherapy Approaches for Improving Sleep Quality in Individuals with Chronic Pain.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Gait Rehabilitation after Lower Limb Amputation.
  • The Impact of Lifestyle Modification Programs in Physiotherapy for Obesity Management.


Below are mentioned the physiotherapy dissertation topics in order to write the best dissertation, you just need to pick topic from below:

  • Comparative Analysis of Different Electrotherapy Modalities.
  • Physiotherapy in the Rehabilitation of ACL Injuries.
  • Impact of Physiotherapy in Improving Quality of Life in Cancer Patients.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in amplifying Sports Performance.
  • The Use of Biofeedback in Enhancing Rehabilitation Outcomes.
  • Impact of Telehealth in Delivering Physiotherapy Services.
  • Efficacy of Manual Therapy in Treating Musculoskeletal Disorders.
  • The Impact of Mindfulness in Pain Management.
  • Juxtaposition of Different Exercise Programs for Low Back Pain.
  • Physiotherapy in the Management of Whiplash-Associated Disorders.


While it’s challenging to provide an exhaustive list of best physiotherapy topics for dissertations, below are suggested 10 topics that cover different aspects of physiotherapy:

  • Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Chronic Headaches.
  • Cryotherapy and Thermotherapy in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Management in Pediatrics.
  • Postoperative Rehabilitation Following Orthopedic Surgeries.
  • The Role of Physiotherapy in Sports Injury Prevention.
  • Rehabilitation Strategies for Stroke Survivors.
  • Physiotherapy Interventions for Individuals with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
  • Physiotherapy Approaches to Individuals with Chronic Urticaria.
  • Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Individuals with Fibrous Dysplasia.
  • Exercise Prescription for Individuals with Chronic Liver Disease.


Embarking on a dissertation in the field of physiotherapy underscores the vital need for expertise and guidance from seasoned professionals. A physiotherapy dissertation delves into intricate facets of rehabilitation, musculoskeletal health, and diverse therapeutic interventions, demanding a nuanced comprehension of both theoretical frameworks and practical applications.

Pro UK Writings professional’s expertise ensures that the dissertation aligns with contemporary industry standards, contributing to the enhancement of acknowledgement in the field. Having yourself involved with a seasoned physiotherapy expert does not only enriches the quality of the research but also instills a perception of confidence in the researcher, fostering a scholarly expedition marked by precision and depth.


Find Solutions of your queries 

sebastian james who is a writer at Pro UK Writings

Sebastian James

Blog Writer

Meet Mister Sebastian James who is an accomplished academic writer, who holds great credentials in various different faculties of academic writing having the degree of doctorates. Mr. Sebastian James is the original author all of the content written on this website with great knowledge of academics Mr. Sebastian James is the original upfront writer for Pro UK Writings.

Reading Interested Physiotherapy Dissertation Ideas?

Contact us now and get physiotherapy dissertations on your selected topic!